Chapter 22: Battle

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"Peter!" Caspian yelled a warning.

Peter quickly spun around, slew the guard headed towards him, then turned back around and shouted a command to the Narnians.

Caspian quickly fetched and mounted a horse then paused and waited anxiously behind them. Camille positioned her bow and arrows and then unsheathed her sword and stood next to the boys, who also had their weapons drawn. The general and Lord Sopespian rode back to their troops to lead them into battle. Up on the ledge, Susan commanded her archers.

"Archers to the ready!" She shouted and they all nocked their bows.

The Telmarine army charged with Lord Sopespian leading the band of chivalry soldiers. Camille watched them approach, her right hand shaking slightly.

Once the Telmarines were in position, Peter spun around and sent Caspian a signal. Caspian spurned on his horse and raced into the How with Glenstorm.

Seconds later, a horn blew alerting them to start the countdown. Peter started it off saying, "One, two.."

Down below, the Narnias raced along as Caspian was doing the same. "Three, four..."

Camille took a warrior-like pose, bravely ready to charge at any given moment.

"Five, six....."

Up on the ledge, Susan directed the archers. "Take your aim!" She commanded. All of the archers raised their bows.

"Stay with them!"Trumpkin put in.

"Eight, nine ....get ready!" Peter shouted to the troops behind them.

"Now!" Caspian ordered his own troops down below.

On command, the Narnians following Caspian smashed their weapons into the underground support columns. The ground above them collapsed, bringing the charging Telmarine troops tumbling down.

Susan cried the command to her archers to let their arrows fly. "Now!" She said. Arrows arched through the air and then, in sync with each other, they hit their targets as the Telmarines tried to climb out of the pit.

Edmund vaulted onto a galloping horse as it was running past and charged into battle.

Peter raised his sword and yelled, "Charge!"

Together, the Narnias and Camille charged into battle alongside Peter. Camille ducked under a sword aimed for her head, knocked out the opponent, somersaulted over another sword, then spun around and tripped her new opponent, striking him. Peter kicked down one soldier and rammed his sword down on another as he raced into the heat of the battle. Edmund shot down soldiers that were attempting to climb out of the pit with his crossbow as he rode around the pit. Caspian and the other Narnians emerged out of the ground. "Charge!" Caspian commanded the troops as they circled around and cornered the Telmarines in the pit. Trufflehunter threw himself at a Telmarine, knocking the man back into the pit. Another Telmarine tried to climb out, but was met with Reepicheep in armor.

"You're a mouse," the soldier panted. To which Reepicheep replied, "You people have no imagination." and struck him with his sword.

Then Camille heard another command of attack. She spun around in time to see a hundred more foot soldiers lead by General Glozelle advancing towards them. It was the next wave. Her brother noticed too and sent a signal for their next wave. Griffins carrying archers flew down from the top of the How and over the Telmarine army. However, the Telmarines brought out large crossbows loaded with arrows. The griffins began to fall one by one. Camille shook her head. They were losing, and losing quickly.

Expertly continuing to fight her opponents while avoiding their own blades, Camille heard Peter give the alarmed command. "Back to the How!" Camille dropped her fighting and ran in the direction of the How.

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