Chapter 25: A Midnight Ride

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Camille softly crept down the Castle hallway. This was the last time she would be a princess. Tomorrow, she and her brother were to be crowned the new king and queen of Narnia. But tonight, she was going to slip outside the Castle and watch the stars. Usually it was her and her brother going stargazing, but tonight was different. She was going to take someone else. Edmund. She knew her brother would understand if he found out it was Edmund she took.

Reaching the door to his room, she quietly opened it. It creaked silently on its hinges. Inside, Edmund slept soundlessly in the twin-sized bed.

"Edmund," she whispered.

He rolled over, but didn't wake up.

"Edmund," she whispered, this time a little louder. "Wake up."

He sat up, awake now. "Camille?" He yawned, "What is it?"

"Come stargazing with me please."

"It's midnight," he mumbled.

"All the more time to stargaze," she protested.

Finally, he consented. "Ok, let's go."

Quickly, he went over to his closet and put on a night cloak. Then he followed her to the stables.

When they got to the stables, Camille saddled Pearl with the specialized saddle but she left off the reins. Then she led the horse out and mounted. "You going to get on?" She asked Edmund who was still standing beside the horse. "Don't tell me you've never ridden a flying horse before."

"Well, they were extinct back when I first arrived in Narnia." He explained, trying to defend himself. "The closest we ever got to Pearl was the horse my brother rode in our very first battle, except it didn't have wings just a horn."

"Peal's kind did go extinct, but her family went into hiding. Now, get on," she ordered with a smile.

Reluctantly, he got on behind her. When he was seated, she urged Pearl out of the stables. "Fly Pearl, fly into the sky," Camille commanded and Pearl took off. Her wings flapping gently in the night breeze.

The night was cool and a warm breeze flowed past them. Camille could almost hear the whispers they caused. Up in the sapphire sky, stars winked back at them, their shining bodies were like diamonds hanging from a chain of pearls and the moon was like a bride in a stunning white wedding gown, her beauty outshining the other stars and lighting up the sky.

Camille sighed - it was all breathtaking. She looked at Edmund behind her. He was watching the treetops pass them. The tops were like beautiful emeralds, sparkling with the midnight dew. Slowly and softly, Pearl alighted on soft grass the forest opened to. Nearby, a little clear stream flowed gently over the rocks. When the two riders dismounted, Pearl dipped her nose into the water for drink.

Camille and Edmund sat down next to each other and watched the stars. A comet flew over them. All was silent until Camille broke the silence.

"So what's it like in your world?" She asked.

Edmund cocked his head as if to think. How was he supposed to tell her about his world if she'd never been there?

"Well, it's a lot different then you might think. We have these things we use for transportation. We call them automobiles and trains. We also have another that's bird-like called planes, but they're more commonly used for war. It's nothing at all like Narnia. Here you can go to war without anything to stop you. Back in my world, you had to be a certain age to join the army. Plus, you have to go to school every year."

"And you don't like school?"

"I'd rather sword fight then go learn boring school subjects."

"I've seen you practice before," Camille admitted. "You were pretty good."

"So were you in the battle of Berna."
Camille flushed despite herself.

Edmund took in a breath as if he was going to dive into a pool. What is he doing now? Camille wondered.

"Camille, I-um-you did a noble thing for Narnia in fighting for us," he stammered.

Camille flushed again. For some reason the world had suddenly became quiet. Not an owl hooted, not a cricket chirped.

"And I would like to do something to thank you," he continued.

Camille cocked her head questioningly. "What?" She asked.

"This," then he leaned in and kissed her.

His action took her by surprise, but she returned it. The kiss was sweet and gentle, like the smell of roses and lilies. A comet flew over them as they did.

When they broke apart, Camille looked at him. "Was that even supposed to happen?" She asked. He just smiled.

Just then, Pearl was behind them. "Group hug!" She cried, happily spreading her wings around the two lovers.

Camille and Edmund smiled at each other.

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