Chapter 28: Destiny Awaits!

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When the Pevensies got back to earth, they found themselves still in the train station as if they never left. They all had their school clothes on and the train was rushing past them and then came to a stop. Their things were in the same spot as they were when they left. The doors of the train opened and a group of kids stepped off while others boarded. A geeky boy turned around and frowned at the group.

"Aren't you coming, Phyllis?" He asked.

The group exchanged looks as they realized that this was their train. They quickly spun around and gathered up their suitcases. They quickly boarded the train. Edmund rifled through his bag as he followed them on board. "You don't think there's any way we can get back?" He asked, looking up at his siblings.

"I left my new torch in Narnia." He finished with a little frown. The Pevensies all burst into laughter and smiled as the doors of the train shut.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't leave your tongue behind." Peter joked as he clapped his brother on the back. Then he and the girls started laughing again but this time at Edmund's surprised face.

"You noticed that?" Edmund asked bewildered as the train turned a corner.

"We all did, Ed." Lucy grinned.

Back in Narnia, Camille watched as many other Telmarines offered to go through the tree but Camille was busy thinking of the Pevensies.

Would they be alright in their world? How would Edmund and Lucy handle living on their own without visiting Narnia for a while? And Peter and Susan, would they keep remembering Narnia even though they couldn't come back?

After the meeting, everyone went back to their homes and Caspian and Camille headed into the throne room. Aslan stood next to the thrones and he smiled in gently at both of them.

"I know both of you will handle the kingdom here while I am gone. Narnia is safe now, but now I must get going," Aslan told them. He walked to the door.

"Will we ever meet again?" Camille asked sadly.

"Yes, dear one, some day." The lion smiled.

"It was certainly an honor to have you have you here, Your Majesty," Caspian smiled at the majestic lion, then bowed slightly.

The lion bid them farewell and then he was gone.

Camille then turned to her brother after watching the lion leave. "Come on, let's go for a ride!"

The stars had just started to come out as the siblings raced across the grassy prairie. Pearl stretched out her wings and took off for the sky, flying just over Caspian's head as Destrier raced across the open field. Destiny awaits a future adventure.

* The End*

So what did you guys think of the story?

Should I add more Camille and Edmund moments?

I'd enjoy any feedback you may have!!!!

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