Chapter 4: With the Narnians

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Camille quickly went over to her brother's side when he woke up.

"Camille, you're still here," he whispered.

"Of course I'm here. I won't leave you."

Then they heard voices in the room nearby. Caspian and Camille crept to the door to eavesdrop.

"The bread's so stale," one voice said, which was familiar to Camille as she hid behind her brother.

"I'll get him some soup then," another voice said.

"I don't think I hit him hard enough," replied the first voice.

"What about the girl?" The second voice asked.

Caspian peeked around the corner. The voice who spoke was a...Badger? When could badgers ever talk?

"She's a strange one. I didn't think Telmarine girls could fight."

"Nikabrik, they're just kids."

"They're Telmarines, not some lost puppies. You said you were gonna get rid them."

"No, I said I would take care of them. We can't just kill them now. I've just bandaged boy's head. It'd be like murdering a guest."

"How do you think their friends are treating their guest?"

"Trumpkin knows what he's doing. It's not their fault," the badger replied.

Caspian had heard enough. He leaped out of his hiding place. He had almost reached the weapons when the dwarf got in his way exclaiming, "Stop! Stop!"

Caspian backed away and grabbed a fire poker to defend himself.

Camille stayed hidden out of fear that the dwarf might turn on her.

"Hold it!" The dwarf commanded waving his sword ferociously.

Caspian blocked his strike.

"I told you should have killed them when we had the chance."

"You know why we can't," the badger protested.

"If we're taking a vote, I'm with him," Caspian interjected.

"We can't let them go. They've seen us," the dwarf said, holding his ground. He gave another wave of his sword causing Caspian to plop onto the step behind him with a thud.

Camille appeared behind Caspian.

"That's enough Nikabrik! Or do I have to sit on your head again?" The badger scolded.

The dwarf just frowned.

"And you," the badger said to Caspian. "Look at what you made me do. I spent half the morning on that soup." The badger took the spilled bowl back to the small kitchen.

"What are you?" Caspian frowned.

"You know, it's funny you would ask that. You think people would know a badger when they see one." The badger replied.

"No. No, I mean," Caspian looked at each one of them, "you're Narnians. You're supposed to be extinct."

Well I was riding a Narnian this morning, Caspian, Camille thought.

The dwarf, who's name was Nikabrik, went back to his seat at the table. "Sorry to disappoint you," He retorted.

"Here you go. Still hot," the badger said, placing a new bowl on the small table.

"Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" Nikabrik asked.

"We're not soldiers," Caspian said, standing up. "I'm Prince Caspian, the tenth."

"And I'm Princess Camille, the Lionheart," Camille added.

"What are you two doing here?" Nikabrik asked.

"Running away," Caspian explained, "our uncle has always wanted our throne."

"I suppose we've only lived this long because he did not have an heir of his own," Camille finished thoughtfully.

"Well, that changes things," the badger commented.

"Yeah, means we don't have to kill you ourselves," Nikabrik retorted, he still didn't like the two Telmarine fugitives.

"You're right," Caspian agreed. He went to the door and quickly put on his mail shirt. Camille grabbed her weapons.

"Where are you two going?"

"Our uncle won't stop until we're dead," Camille replied.

"But you can't leave." Both Camille and Caspian looked at the badger. "You're meant to save us. Don't you know what this is?" He asked, he picked up High Queen Susan horn.

Camille, the Lionhearted Temlarine PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now