Chapter 14: Breaking in

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Caspian, Peter, Camille, Susan, and Trumpkin carefully lowered themselves down the side of a tower with the use of a long rope. Just below them was the window into Professor Cornelius's library.

"Professor?" Caspian whispered, knocking softly on the window. He carefully unlatched the window as Peter stepped onto the ledge.

The window opened and Caspian stepped in followed by Peter. They looked around the empty room and small library. Caspian picked up the professor's glasses as the girls and Trumpkin came in through the window.

"I have to find him," Caspian said looking up at Peter.

"You don't have time. You need to get the gate open," Peter protested.

"You wouldn't be here without him," Caspian objected. Then he looked at Camille, "And neither would Camille or I."

Susan looked at Peter, "You and I can handle Miraz."

"And Camille and I can still get to the gate in time," Caspian put in.

Peter looked at Susan and reluctantly gave in. Caspian sheathed his sword and hurried down the steps. Camille quickly followed in pursuit.


Caspian and Camille found Professor Cornelius in the dungeons. Caspian knelt beside him and shook him awake.

"Five more minutes?" Caspian joked. He quickly unlocked the chains glancing out the prison door occasionally.

"What are you doing here?" Professor Cornelius asked as Camille and Caspian helped him stand up.

"I didn't help you two escape just so that you could break back in. You have to get out before Miraz learns you and Camille are here," Professor Cornelius warned them.

"He'll learn soon enough. We're giving him your cell," Caspian replied turning to leave after handing the professor the prison key.

Cornelius caught his arm, "Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did," he warned.

"What do you mean?" Camille piped up.

"What are you talking about?" Caspian asked.

"I'm sorry," the professor said quietly.

Caspian glanced at Camille, then ran out the door. Camille knew he was going to find out the truth of their parent's deaths. She was just about to follow him when she remembered what Peter had said, "You need to get the gate open." Camille stopped in her tracks. She had to get to the gate house.

Turning, Camille ran in the direction of the bridge.


Up on a watch tower, Edmund played around with his torch as he waited for Peter's signal. He couldn't stop thinking about Camille. He liked how her long wavy brown hair flowed in the cool breeze. He liked her chocolate brown eyes and her appearance in her armor. He also admired her bravery and willingness to go into battle just to support to Narnians.

Thoughts of her passed by his mind's eye. Meeting her in the woods with Pearl, that winged Narnian horse, for the first time and when she was out practicing archery just before they came here. Suddenly, his torch dropped. It fell from the tower to the next level below. A guard heard it land and looked out to check if there was anyone. The guard noticed the torch and picked it up. He looked around but there was no one. Edmund came down the stairs and looked out the tower window. When the guard turned on the flashlight right in his eyes, Edmund hid in the shadows. Apparently, the Telmarine guard didn't know what an electric torch was.

Outside the castle, the Narnians looked at each other. They could see the flashlight waving in the air.

"What does that suppose to mean?" Nikabrik asked.

Edmund leaped from the tower window to knock out the Telmarine.

Meanwhile a shout arose around the castle. "We're under attack!"

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