Chapter 21: The Duel

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Peter stood next to the exterior door of the How fully dressed in battle gear when Edmund walked up with Camille and Caspian in tow. Then he noticed Edmund's still flushed face.

"Did I miss something?" He inquired the trio.

Edmund shot his brother a 'you too?' glare. Which made Peter look at Caspian questionably.

"Just a little moment of awkwardness," Caspian quietly told him.

Peter nodded, finally understanding. His brother had been acting really funny ever since they met Camille.

Peter turned walked out the How with Edmund. It was time to start the duel. The Narnians cheered them on as they emerged. The Telmarines yelled a war cry.

Miraz sat on the far side of the arena fixing his arm guards. General Glozelle stood on his right holding a crossbow with an arrow in position. Lord Sopespian was on his left with Miraz's sword in hand.

"If it should appear to be going poorly..." Miraz looked up at the General, indicating the crossbow.

"Understood, Your Majesty," General Glozelle replied looking back at him.

Miraz sood up as the Kings, Caspian, and Camille arrived at the dueling ring. Peter grabbed his sword from Edmund and unsheathed it.

Miraz turned to Lord Sopespian and seized his helmet with an attached face mask. "I hope you won't be disappointed..." he turned back to face the ring, "when I survive." He sneered at them, put on his helmet, and unleashed his sword with a flourish.

Peter turned to enter to fighting ring when Camille caught his arm.

"Be careful Peter," she said softly.

Peter managed a small smile. Camille was beginning to be like a third sister to him.

He turned back to the ring. He and Miraz began to circle each other.

"There's still time to surrender," Miraz taunted.

"Well, feel free," Peter quipped dryly.

"How many more must die for the throne?" Miraz mocked again.

"Just one," Peter replied.

Peter lowered his faceguard and launched off a fallen pillar to take a good swing at Miraz. Both he and Miraz yelled battle cries as they deflected each other's blows.

Peter landed on the other side of Miraz and quickly prepared for the next attack. Peter tried to take another swing at Miraz, but Miraz blocked it with his shield. They continued to fight, each trying to beat the other, but couldn't. They were both skilled swordsman. Then they both paused for a moment, sizing the other up for another swing. Miraz swung at Peter again but Peter dodged it by ducking. Another cheer from the Narnians.

Camille smiled a bit. Peter was doing pretty good so far.

Then, Miraz struck Peter's head causing his helmet to fly off. Peter let out a pained cry as the force of the blow nearly dislocated his head. Camille winced; she was really worried about Peter now.

Miraz swung at the boy's throat but Peter dodged it, making his chainmail hood fly off. Now his head was completely unprotected.

At Miraz's second swing to his throat, Peter ducked under his shield and took a good swipe at Miraz's thigh and making a deep cut. Miraz cried out from the impact, giving Peter a much needed pause.

Miraz looked at his advisors hoping they would shoot the boy. They didn't, watching him instead.

Peter growled at Miraz, ready for his strike. Miraz took a low swing at Peter and swept his legs out from underneath him, causing Peter to flip over and land on his back on the hard ground. Peter quickly scrambled back up and lunged at Miraz. Both of them continued to strike and block each other. Then, Miraz tripped Peter again, causing him to fall on his back. He stepped on Peter's shield that was still buckled on, making his arm snap backwards painfully. Peter yelled in agony as the others watched on. Edmund gulped and Camille bit her lip. Neither of them could help him, it was the rules.

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