Finding out and being Found out

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An average girl during an average day of an average college. That's what Rachel thought as she sat there, head laying on her hand, tiredly watching her professor speak about different layers of the electron cloud. She holds back a yawn, covering her mouth with her free hand. A glance at the clock on the wall tells her that she only has to sit here for....

Twenty more minutes.

She sighs, then writes down a few notes to help her study later. She was easily going to ace this next test, but what she wanted to be doing right now was tracking down those alien robots that have been trashing cities. She was so close to finding one of them, and she just wanted to find it and...

Well, she didn't know from there. Honestly, she didn't know if they were completely sentient. She had been in Mission City when the first battle went down. She had seen the large metal creatures having it out two blocks from the building she was at. However, having been rescued by a government agency, she had been 'paid' to keep her mouth shut and.... Threatened to lose everything if she even spoke to herself in a mirror about it.

Granted, she still had everything, so no mics were in her house....


She had finally locked on to a place, an island that was hidden in plain sight. It was a military bunker, and it seemed that large amounts of energon would head towards it, then disappear miles from it.

How had she tracked the energon?


After the battle of Mission City, several precautions were made, including energon detectors in almost every city. A secret black op team called N.E.S.T. used them to detect these mechs. Her and her closest friend stole one during the middle of the night, and barely made it out before the cops arrived. Another reason she was thankful that her father had been a racer and had taught her everything she'd need to know to out-drive even the best cops.

Of course, he probably never knew she'd actually need to.

Rachel glances up at the clock again. Five minutes left. Turning to her right, she locks eyes with her best friend, Raf, who was a computer genius and her partner in crime. He smiles at her, and nods. She softly grins and quickly puts away all her notes. As so as they were released, her and Raf had plans.

Afterall, he was the reason she knew all this classified information.....

"Alright, now study hard. The mid-term is in two weeks, and you can only use a small 8 x 13 notecard for help!" The professor states, turning off the projector and waving a hand towards the door. As everyone leaves, Raf and Rachel stand and quietly walk out the door together. Just as they near the exit, the professor calls Raf over. He turns to Rachel, and motions for her to continue. "I'll be out in a second! Don't worry."

Rachel, face showing her concern, continues out the door and she waits nearby. Carefully, she slides over to see inside, and she spots the professor handing Raf a note, while Raf hands him a twenty-dollar bill. The professor says something with caution, but Raf only smiles and walks out. Quickly, he makes his way to Rachel, who gazes at him with curiosity. "Well? Cough it up! What'd they find?"

They had a contact in one of the other classes this professor taught, and he had agreed to help pass notes for a 'price'. Raf hushes her, but quickly opens the note. A cold chill runs down each one's spine. The note was short, sweet and to the point.

"They found us."

Rachel turns to Raf, who crumples the note up and shoves it in his pocket. Without a second thought, Rachel grabs his arm and both begin to sprint towards the stairs. They said their "Sorry", "Excuse me", to each person they ran into, but nothing was stopping them.

Quickly they make it down the stairs, then they rush towards the parking lot. It seemed further away than normal, and the sky slowly growing darker didn't help the mood at all. After every precaution they could have made, somehow they were found. Rachel knew this day would come, but she hadn't expected it so soon.

Of course, Rachel wasn't stupid. She had a plan for this. There was a spot, a tiny shack she found in the woods that they had rigged to set them up in case anyone had found them, and for emergencies needing deep web searching. They never spoke about it except in person, and through notes to their contact. This person had agreed that this would be the only time they ever met, and it seemed like today would be that day. Besides that, it was also the place Raf and Rachel did most of their classified research as to keep their actual homes from ever being found.

Finally, Rachel and Raf's feet slam against the concrete in the parking lot. Both don't hesitate to slip into Rachel's car, even as two large, black SUV's screech in to the area of the parking lot they were in. "Go, Go!" Raf shouts as the engine to Rachel's car roars to life. Quickly, her foot presses the clutch, and her hand instantly shoves the stick into first gear. Tires screeching, she launches out of the parking space just as the SUV stops on her left. Luckily, the spot in front of her for a few rows was open, and she easily glides through them all before making a sharp left turn, and shifting into second.

Raf, still amazed at her skill behind the wheel, turns in his seat to gaze out the back window. "There's more of them. We need to lose them on the highway!" Rachel growls. "I know that! Now sit down, I can't see!" She reaches up and shoves Raf into his seat, then shifts to third. Wheels squealing, she drifts right out of the school's parking lot straight into the busy street leading towards the highway overpass.

Slamming on the gas, Rachel's face scrunches up in concentration as she spots the two menacing vehicles slide into traffic behind her. Her growl intensifies. She hated racing in traffic, especially with someone else's life in her care. However, she didn't have a choice now. The safe house was nearly thirty miles away, and that didn't give her much time to lose them.

"Hold on!"

Racing down the road, the girl down shifts and pulls the break to slide right towards an on-ramp. Releasing the break, she shifts back up and turns the car towards the highway. Once on it, they zig in and out of traffic until the next exit ramp. A large red flamed eighteen-wheeler towing a large container with a face on it happens to be 'blocking' that ramp from view. The girl grins and slams on the breaks. Turning the wheel right, she zips around the truck and launches the vehicle down the ramp. Successfully making it to the next light, she quickly turns left, and drives straight under the highway.

A loud train horn echoes through her ears, and Raf shouts. "We can lose them over the tracks!" He points ahead of them, where a railroad crossing was. The bars had not lowered yet, but the lights just started to flash. Shifting up once more and applying more pressure to the gas, Rachel yells to Raf, "Hang on again!"

The bars lower even more, and the sound of the wheels against the rails on the train is slowly growing louder. The conductor seems to notice them and the brakes on the train screech against the rails. Nevertheless, Rachel holds her foot on the gas. The SUVs finally appear in her rear view mirror as they are inches from the tracks and the train feet from them.

A grating sound screams from above Raf and Rachel's head as the car barely slides under the cross bars, and the train blasts behind them, forcing their pursuers to skid to a halt.

Raf lets out a loud cheer, and Rachel can't help but huff in joy. She takes a few deep breaths, then slows her driving to normal speeds. She continues driving for a while, having Raf check behind them constantly. After the train, they seem to have lost the vehicles and nothing else was bring up any suspicion to them....

Except one thing.

However, Rachel shakes her head. She could worry about that later. It could be from the same company. Slowing the speed, she tells Raf to check one last time. As he shakes his head, she turns the wheel right, and they slowly creep down an old, rocky path. It twists and winds through the woods until it finally ends at a small, run down shack with a large generator on the side. No lights are on. However, as she turns the vehicle off, three flashes seem to emit from one of the windows. Raf turns to Rachel, and the girl's eyes were wide. She turns back towards the house and flashes her car's lights three times in rapid succession, then two slower ones.

It was their signal they had agreed on with their contact.

After a few minutes pass, a single flash responds, and Rachel quickly exits the car. Raf follows, and the two rush for the door, curious as to who their knowledgeable friend was.

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