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[Third Person POV]

Rachel, after having the energon transfusion, lay unmoving on the table. Her back, sliced open, revealed an odd layer of cybermatter hidden under her human skin. The tendrils seem to be the culprit and have also, as mentioned earlier, formed a new rib in place of the one forcibly removed. The two Decepticons stand gazing at her in confusion. Her vitals were stable, but now she was showing no movement, and her brain activity was....


Knockout is the first to notice and walks towards a screen. "Hmm.... Unusual brainwave readings." He steps back to allow Shockwave through, who gazes at the screens with his single red optic. "Intriguing. It seems that the predacon personality from the bone specimen is attempting to take control of her mind." Knockout's face frowns, and he turns towards the woman on the table. His optics wander towards the table next to her, which held the beaten and battered suit of armor she had on. He was very thankful that she was wearing clothes underneath it, as he didn't want to see her fleshiness more than necessary. 

"Well, what do we do now? Do we continue to.... remove parts of her, or do we attempt to remove part of these predacon tendrils that are forming all through her back?" He walks over, moving the table holding her suit away so he can be right next to her table. Shockwave turns from the consoles and walks up to the other side. "We should attempt removal of a sample of the predacon pieces. They could deem useful in... future research." 

Knockout nods, and retrieves a small set of what seem like pliers. "I'll hold it, you cut it? You have steadier hands, doctor." Shockwave nods, retrieving something akin to a bone saw. Knockout swiftly locks the pliers down onto a piece of the cybermatter that was forming from a tendril and pulls, exposing the source. 

The woman doesn't move.

Without another word, Shockwave lowers the saw and starts to slice through the tendril.

Still no movement. 

As he cuts through the tendril, he lifts the saw carefully and moves further up, then begins again.

Despite all of this, Rachel still makes no noise or movement. 

Knockout becomes slightly tense. Her brain waves were still odd, but they hadn't changed. Her vitals were stable, but she was unnaturally quiet. It made his spark uneasy. Shockwave, however, didn't share the same feeling as he easily finishes the slice. "You may slowly remove the sample, Knockout." The red mech nods and slowly slides the piece out of the woman's back and carefully brings it to a table. The two lean forward, examining this piece of cybermatter that seemed to be forming from the tendril.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say this resembles a wing, doctor." Knockout says, turning his optics towards Shockwave. "Your statement is logical. However, it should be impossible for her body to hold something that large. Her epidermis would rupture from the pressure...... Unless..." He turns, his cyclops gaze falling on the woman just in time to see the 'wing' finish repairing itself. Knockout follows his gaze, and finishes his sentence.

"Unless it was already 'ruptured'." His voice holds slight worry, but before he can voice it, the consoles release a loud noise, and red flashes everywhere. Shockwave begins to rush towards them, but just as he passes the table, something crashes into him and launches him across the room and into the door. Knockout, wide optic, stares at the scene before him.

A single, large, blood covered blue and black predacon wing was protruding from the left slice in the woman's back. Her hands suddenly curl into fists, and she slams against the restraints. They hold tight, and a growl is released from her. Shockwave, having regained his balance on his peds, gazes upwards and aims his cannon-arm. Rachel slams against the restraints again, and Knockout takes a step back. Shockwave swiftly fires a single shot. The plasma blast flies straight towards Rachel's exposed back as she struggles once more. The restraints shatter as the blast collides, causing smoke to fill the room for a moment.

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