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[Rachel POV]

"... So basically what you're saying is.... You did, in fact, die, and Primus himself came and brought you back?" Bulkhead turns his optics from where I was sitting on the edge of the walkway with my legs dangling over, to the screens where Jazz and Boradwing's mugshots were. "Pretty much. Onyx Prime was even surprised. He thought it was the end, too." A chuckle is heard before a deeper voice speaks. "I believe we all thought we would perish again.... Were you not the one banging on the enclosing landscape, screaming for Onyx to assist us?"

I can feel Jazz become flustered and a smile plays on my lips. "Broadwing, you can't speak much. Were you not the one growling at them to stop fighting so your last moments with me would be peaceful?" This time, the Predacon becomes flustered and Jazz breaks out into laughter. I release a sigh and rub my temples. Maybe I shouldn't have said that....

The laughing quickly stops as Optimus finally speaks. "Did Primus help you locate the others and bring them to the warship?" I turn my eyes to him and release a large yawn. Rubbing my eyes slightly, I reply. "Yeah. He said it would take a lot of energy, but I told him it was worth it if it meant saving you guys and getting the team back together...." I gaze around, but a frown hits my face. "Well... Most of them. We didn't have time to find everyone, so Sam is still out there either with the twins..... Or alone." Bumblebee gazes down at that, making a soft whir of distress and it takes a steady servo from the Prime on his shoulders to lift the scout's helm. "You did what you were ordered to do. Sam will understand when we find him."

I can't help but smile. Despite everything I have gone through, I have got to be the luckiest human on Earth, or any world for that matter, to get to know this team....

And Optimus.

I feel my spark sputter again, and Jazz snorts. I give him a stinging glare that tells him to shut it, but its too late. Optimus hears him snort. "Is... Something wrong, Jazz?" His optics slightly flick to me, and I turn my head away, attempting to hide the blush. "Oh, it's nothing, boss bot. Just... Remembered an old memory." The Prime doesn't seem to buy it, but he doesn't push, and I mentally sigh in relief. That could have been awkward.

Another reason I was extremely thankful that my personal thoughts could not be broadcast on the screens. I would be in so much trouble. My gaze lifts as Sideswipe rolls closer to me and eyes me carefully. "I am sorry....." He suddenly says, and my eyes widen.

He blames himself.

"As your guardian, I should have been there to protect you... I should have been there to help." I feel my spark soften as I stand up and reach out for him. My hands rest on his chin and he gazes back up at me. "Swipes, none of this is your fault. If you had turned back, the soldiers with you could have gotten injured or worse. Even then, if you had no one with you, that worm could have seriously harmed you.... Besides, look at me now!" I release my wings slowly, letting each part move into place so nothing gets caught. As they reach their final length, my tail swishes behind me. "It may have hurt, but in the end I am okay..... And!" I state, holding up a finger as he starts to speak. "If something had happened to you, one of my closest friends on this team...... How do you think I would have felt?" After he hangs his helm, I sigh and use a soft boost from my wings to hover directly in front of his face. "Sideswipe, listen.... You are not to blame for this.... You know that..... And you know who is to blame...." His optics finally meet mine and I smirk and place one hand on my hip before jabbing a finger at hip and tapping the area his nose would be.

"BUT! That doesn't mean you go revenging on me." I give a harsh glare towards Wheeljack, who only huffs as I continue and face Sideswipe again. "We do this as a team.... And now I can protect you!" A small smirk finally makes its way into his faceplates and I attempt to puff my chest out and flex my arms. His smirk finally turns into a full blown smile, and he slightly laughs. "Please, kid. I can take care of myself." I only resort to sticking my tongue out at him and then slowly lower myself back down to the walkway. Once my feet hit, I slightly stumble, but my tail plants itself on the ground and steadies my whole body. I blink for a moment before shaking it off and folding my wings up against my back again. I feel optics boring into me, and I don't need to turn to even see who it was.

Who Guards the Guardians? (TFP/Bayverse crossover)Where stories live. Discover now