A/N: Clearing up a few things

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So I realized after reading chapter 1 again, I did some really confusing things. So! This is to clear it up.

1) The shack in the woods was where Raf and Rachel would go to do some deep hacking as it was where they felt safer. However, they never knew that Sam also visited it occasionally, but he always seemed to go when no one else was there..... hmmmmm

2) When she talks about seeing the fighting, Rachel says she saw it 2 blocks from her building. What she meant is where she was located. It wasn't her home, but the building she was currently standing by.

3) Her nightmares started one week after her getting there, however she's had them so often now that she really believes they started the day she came there. If you don't think that sounds right, ask someone who has chronic nightmares. Used to have that a bit and I honestly don't know what stopped them.... kinda glad they did though. I enjoy a full nights rest ya know?

4) Her father was a racer and her mother is a nurse in their home town with her younger brother.... *cough cough* Her mother became a nurse after Mission City, which is why Rachel says "She's barely surviving in a hospital..." because she works herself down to the bone at times.

5) Rachel is an adult, early twenties. Raf is a few years younger, but because he was super smart, he was able to graduate and move on to college early. He's really chill and laid back, contrary to popular belief. He also is living far from home *cough cough*

6) thIS IS A CROSSOVER UNIVERSE so I will do my best to get as many people and places and battles from both worlds as I can.... aaaaaand a few OC's will be thrown in so beware, k?

7) They really did steal the energon reader thingy. Raf hates to admit it, and it was also the first time he got to see how much of a racer Rachel really was, which is why he was so confident in her driving in the first chapter.

8) Rachel is a new OC of mine, so I'm still developing her personality.

9) This may or may not end up with Rache falling for a bot. IDK yet, but needless to say, she has a lot of respect for each Autobot, Optimus especially since he was honest with her. That's why I changed the title cuz IDK if I want this to be a romance.... if you think it should end with her falling for Optimus like I had originally intended, please comment so or else I don't know what you guys enjoy.

10) Raf was the first to break into the firewall successfully, however Rachel traced it to him, and that's how they met. They both had been hacking it at the same time, so when the firewall fell, it fell for her as well and she traced the hack to him. That's why she says she learned all that stuff from him. He beat her to it by less than a second. Had she started sooner, he may have traced it to her, who knows? 

11) JK there ain't an 11th. I just wanted to make sure you were payin' attention. Anywho, if you have anymore questions, comments, concerns, 



or else I never know if I actually missed something, said the wrong thing, ETC, ETC.

Thanks for reading~

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