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*Rachel's POV*

"Are you sure about this, Optimus?" I say, standing before the large bot. He was kneeling before me, his kind optics gazing down at my small form. Worry fills me, but his calm voice speaks against it. "I will tell you if you do any harm to me, Rachel. For now, you must focus on the task at hand."

I furrow my brow and huff. He could always read between my fine lines of words. I close my eyes and try to focus, and this causes Optimus to make a noise. Opening my eyes, I see him gazing at me confused. "What is it?" I ask.

"Are you trying to focus?" He asks, and I nod my head. He hums in response then replies.

"Were your eyes closed when you first used your powers?"

My eyes widen. Thinking back, I realize the first rush of power I felt before nearly decimating Wheeljack's servo, my eyes were indeed open. I gaze up to Optimus whose faceplates were unreadable. I smirk in response. "Okay, they were open, but.... I was scared, worried.... Infuriated! How am I-"


This time, my head turns to the side where Will was standing a good ten feet away. He gestures to me and speaks again. "Your hands... They sparked when you said that." I gaze down at my hands just in time to see small bolts vanish. I turn my eyes to Optimus who nods. "It seems when you are stressed, your abilities are easily summoned." He then extends his servo, and I eye it with worry. Clenching a fist, I try to bring those feelings back. I remember back to when I was struggling against Wheeljack's grip. Suddenly, I feel a surge in me and I quickly rush forward and slam my fist into Optimus'.

For a moment, I feel extreme pain in my knuckles from the impact. However, a smooth voice echoes in my head and I calm as the pain subsides. However, I feel a rush of air meet my hand, and I gaze up to see the servo flying backwards. Optimus stumbles slightly but catches himself. His optics narrow and he raises his servo to examine it. Lowering it once more, he turns to me and gives off his secretive soft smile.

"Your strength is indeed staggering, however you must refine it." He gestures with his other servo towards the target, and my eyes widen at the massive dent in it. However, the Prime seems unphased. "The amount of force you showed could have left much more than a dent if you had reinforced it into a more singular blow."

I carefully place my hand against his metal one, and even though he doesn't move, its like I can feel him tense up. Slowly, I remove my hand. "As much as I appreciate this, I don't want to hurt you more.... Can I refine them to not hurt anyone on accident?"

The Prime starts to argue, but seeing my eyes dart towards William, he softens. This time, he closes his fist and points out a digit. "Wrap your hand gently around my digit." I carefully walk forwards and do as I am told. Almost immediately I feel the metal creak and I try to soften my grip more.

Optimus seems to nod in approval and I release my grip to see a slight indentation of my hand print. I sheepishly grin up at Optimus. He only nods his helm. "I am fine. However, this may be due to you having energon in your system for the first time. We may need to do some more defensive fighting in order to level out your systems."

Surprisingly, I understand all of that with a little help from a jazzy voice. As much as I didn't want to, I understood I needed to. However....

I feel my blood run cold and I quickly turn. My eyes dart around the large rocks that littered the ground. William and Optimus follow my gaze and the man lowers his arm to his hip. "What is it?"

I take a step forward towards the first boulder, then I carefully glance over it. I release a sigh and turn back around. I shake my head to Lennox before swiftly moving around the rock and extend a hand to the crouching human there.

Slowly, the young girl stands, phone in hand, and turns towards the others. Her black pigtails bounce as she smiles at everyone. A streak of pink flows through her jet black hair and she sports a punkish outfit. She gazes at Optimus in awe, and Lennox releases a sigh.

I simply smile.

"Looks like the fighting may have to wait..." As bad as this might seem, I was glad to have another female on the team besides Arcee...

I just hope her outfit doesn't completely match her personality...



That moment when you notice you left Smokes out of the last like.... 3 chapters....

And didnt include him in the escape....


im going to be fixing that soon and will let you all know on my main page when its fixed! Also




anyways, short chapter i know buy I'm writing some of these on mobile now through the app. Busy life calls for drastic measures....





Thanks for reading~

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