Rest And Recover

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[Rachel POV]

Rachel keeps her optics on Optimus as Ratchet moves closer. "Optimus, please. Save your strength. Rachel is.... safe now." He turns towards me, and I slightly nod my thanks. Optimus didn't need anything new appearing yet. The Prime doesn't move, and instead attempts to speak my name again. "R...Rach...." Ratchet moves closer and gently touches Optimus' arm. "Rachel is fine. I need you to power down right now......"

This doesn't seem to work, as Optimus' optics harden towards the medic. Jazz speaks what I was thinking. "Doc.... He's not going to listen till he knows, for sure, that she is alright...." I huff and lower my head, which apparently was enough for Optimus to realize he wasn't on a berth. His helm tilts and I feel him move slightly. I try to hold still again as Ratchet presses him down. 

"Optimus, please.... A lot has happened. Just let me-"

"Where..... is..... she....?" His voice cracks, and I feel my spark beat hitch at it. It hurt him to speak like that, I could feel it. I felt it....

As if it was my pain.

After a moment of silence, I lift my helm, and turn my optics towards the Prime. He  catches the movement and gazes towards my direction. I realize he couldn't fully see me yet, and I lift my helm as far as I can. Our optics lock the moment they meet. I feel my spark race, but soon I realize it wasn't just mine. It feels like an eternity passes as we stay like that, optic to optic.

Finally, he speaks.

"R.....Rachel? Is that.....?"

I solemnly nod my head, slightly closing my optics. "Yes, Optimus..... It's.... It's me." I open them again, to see his shut off as he falls into emergency recharge. Ratchet gazes at me, then begins working on the Prime. "I suggest you find a way on the berth so you can rest your legs. You will be here for a while, I'm afraid."

I give him a look, and Ironhide walks over. "What do you mean, Ratchet? Why can't she leave?" Jazz actually barks out laughing, and Ironhide glares at the computer. "The same reason you and Chromia can't be separated for more than 1 vorn without losing your processor!" I turn my helm away, feeling my faceplates begin to turn bright blue. I didn't know much about cybertronian relationships, but I sure as heck knew what Jazz just alluded to, and Ironhide stutters for a moment before catching that as well.

"Wait... you mean...?"

I sigh, and turn back towards them all. "Yes.... Fine, yes! Okay, I have feelings for him! I hate seeing him hurt, I always enjoy his company, I don't like him going out on his own and putting his life on the line and I wanted to completely tear each and every limb from that blasted excuse of a tin can's body for harming the one I love!"

I feel my spark skip not at what I said, but how I said it. My voice changed, and I feel something stir inside that I did not like at all. It was a rage I had never known, but Broadwing calms me. I tell him he will explain himself later, and he nods before kicking Jazz in the back slightly. "What the heck, man?!" He shouts, and the Predacon snorts. "That is for blurting out her secret to the whole base instead of letting her speak it." I say nothing, but a smile does appear on my face.

Darn dragon beat me to it.

Wheeljack is suddenly next to me, a servo on my shoulder....

Well, my first shoulder.

His optics lock with mine, and he smirks. "Kid.... we've all known for a while...." I feel my faceplates flush and Optimus stirs on my back as I feel my sparkrate spike. Ratchet turns towards me, and says nothing, but his optics warn me. I take a few deep breaths and calm down.

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