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[Ratchet's POV]

It has been nearly three days since the incident, and Optimus is only just now able to move on his own. Rachel, however, hasn't emerged from her berthroom since that day. I imagine she has forced herself into a timed recharge, waiting to awaken until all the dark energon is completely out of her system. I advised her not to, but it was ultimately her decision...

I just hope it was the correct one. 

I can hear movement behind me, and I don't need to turn to see who it is.  "Optimus, as I have said before, Rachel is simply resting and will be fine in a few days." The Prime says nothing, but he simply stands there, staring over my shoulders at the computers. I feel my backstrut tingle in irritation, and I huff before turning around to face him. "Optimus, please. I know you dislike not doing something but-"


His tone slightly catches me off guard, and I realize his faceplates were no longer strong and leader like. Instead, concern and worry cover them, and I restrain myself from gasping. His optics meet mine, and I can see clearly that he wanted to make sure she was safe. I let loose a vent and feel myself give in. "Optimus...." I shake my helm, and carefully move past him. "Let's go." He follows me as we head to the berthroom hall, and it takes no time to reach her new one at the end.

However, just as we near the door, I stop. Something was..... not sitting well in my spark. Optimus reaches to the door, but even he hesitates as he nears the paneling. His optics move to my own, and I nod. I press my com and summon everyone to the hall. If my fears were correct....

I don't know what we would do.


[3rd POV]

As Optimus opens the door, both mechs stand back slightly, anticipating the worse. Ratchet's optics scan the room, but he only sees darkness. This doesn't sit well in his spark, and he takes a step back. However, this slight movement seems to trigger something inside the room, and a growl echoes into the hallway. Optimus, his faceplates hardening, steps forward before Ratchet, protectively covering the medic. This only seems to anger the creature inside, and another growl meets their audio receptors. Slowly, lights begin to appear. Bright purple optics glare in our direction, then more violet lights appear in a line, twisting up the wall. Wings get slightly outlined and jaws are outlined by purple as the jaws open slightly. Smoke is evident from the nostrils, and dread fills each spark.

Except one.

The Prime steps forward, no fear evident in his optics or stature. "Rachel..." He speaks, but a menacing growl replies. His faceplates harden. Before he speaks again, a menacing voice echoes around. 

"I don't answer to Rachel anymore, Prime."

Optimus doesn't move, but optics narrow. He stands straighter, and gestures into the darkness. "What would you like to go by?" He asks, gesturing slightly for the others gathering outside to stay hidden. However, the creature inside notices this and growls. "Wouldn't you like to know." Suddenly, the predacon vanishes, all lights switching off and a menacing growl like laughter fills everyone's audio receptors and sends shivers down backstruts.

Optimus doesn't reveal any weapons, however. Instead, he starts to step forward again. He doesn't get the chance to move anymore though, as the predacon suddenly bursts forward and slams him to the ground. Wings suddenly spread out and knock back those who were on the sides in prep for an attack. Ratchet stares at the creature before him as her lights turn back on. Deadly violet purple shines off her spine and optics, and her optics gaze at Optimus carefully. The Predacon's mouth starts to light up, and the Prime only holds her gaze carefully.

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