Additional... Liabilities?

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"You brought a human back with you?! You went scouting for energon and brought back another.... Liability?!" Ratchet, standing at his work-in-progress station, glares at Arcee and Bumblebee. The scout looks away, replaying something Rachel had said. "Wasn't like I had a choice..."

Ratchet, looking like he's about to blow a gasket, starts to speak and Arcee interrupts. "Look, Ratchet. He caught us in action and Decepticons saw him with us. What else are we supposed to do? Leave him to tell the 'Cons where we are?!"

Standing on the walkway near the workstation, one young man with brown hair leans against the rails, gazing up at the large arguing mechs. His eyes are wide and he tries to keep calm. He had seen the blue bike parked outside his work and has sat on it, then his crush walked by, then two purple cars approached....

He shakes his head. Oh how he wished his sister was here to see this. She was always speaking about these 'giant robots' trashing cities, but he knew she only said that because of what happened to....

He sighs and gazes down. The robots were still arguing and he had tuned them out a while ago. Thinking about his family made his heart sink. He missed his father and his sister.... He hadn't seen her in years. After she graduated, she left for college and barely called home to let them know she was okay.


Gazing up, Jack notices that the bots were now looking at him. He blinks and stands straighter. "O-Oh... S-Sorry... I, um, I wasn't really... Listening." Ratchet rolls his optics and turns away while Arcee steps towards the boy. "We need you to stay here for a while, until Optimus returns. He will tell us what to do.... Okay?" The boy nods, and Arcee smiles. She then turns and walks away, the yellow scout following.

However, as they pass by two other mechs, Bulkhead and Wheeljack if he remembered correctly, the latter of the two speaks up.

"Wouldn't leave so soon if I were you."

As if on cue, the large, flaming semi-truck pulls into the hangar. As it stops, three humans step out, Lennox and Rachel on the driver's side and the young girl on the passenger side. The minute she spots Jack, her grin widens and she rushes over to him. "Jack!"


She makes it up the stairs and slams him into a large hug. "Dude! Isn't this awesome!" She lets him go and points towards the truck. The vehicle transforms and carefully stands as to make sure not to squish the other two humans. As he moves, the two humans come into view, however one has a helmet on, covering their face. The other seems to be gazing at the armored human questioningly, but the man says nothing.

Jack looks at them only for a moment, then he turns to the large blue and red mech that was kneeling before him. "My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." Jack swears he hers a female chuckle, but before he can react, Miko begins firing off questions. "What are you? Where did you come from? Are you the bots from mission city? Can i see your cannons? I bet they are huge! Do they-"

Jack quickly intercepts by covering her mouth. "M-Miko! Calm down! Let the guy answer at least one question first!" Removing his hand, Miko huffs then gazes expectantly at Optimus. Jack quickly re-asks the first question.

"What are you? A-And are you the same bots from the Mission City attack?"

Optimus nods his helm. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." Ratchet pipes in on this part. "But you can call us Autobots for short." Miko looks ready to ask another question, but Jack feels eyes boring into him. Gazing down, he spots the helmeted human facing him, and the head quickly looks away and walks towards one of the large hallways. The man doesn't follow, but he does turn his gaze up to Jack.

Optimus turns towards Major Lennox, his eye ridge raised in confusion. He has never seen Rachel act this way before. The moment they entered the hangar, she put her mask on. The Prime suddenly widens his optics as Major Lennox asks Jack, "What's your full name, kid?"

Jack stutters for a moment, "The name's J-Jack.... Jackson Darby."

William says nothing, but his wide eyes and quick glance behind him makes Jack curious as to who the masked person was. With the way Optimus was also reacting, Jack's heart slightly flutters with hope. The Prime turns his optics to Ratchet. The yellow medic walks over and something opens on his arm. A bright red light overs Jack as he scans the boy, and when he finishes, his optics widen and he nods towards Optimus. Swiftly, he types a few things on his keyboard and an image appears on screen. The armored human was on the roof of this missle silo, standing near the edge. The way they stand.... Jack's eyes widen.

The Prime turns towards Lennox, who also nods and motions for Jack to come with him. "Jack... I need you to come with me real quick."

Miko eyes the boy with confusion and he returns the stare. Shrugging, the girl steps aside to let him by. Jack follows along and slightly jumps as Optimus beings to walk behind him as well. He quickly picks up speed to land beside Will so he doesn't get under ped and squished.

Slowly making their way towards the hall, Will suddenly turns right and begins walking straight towards a large lift. Large enough to fit one massive Autobot and two tiny humans. Stepping inside, Jack turns around just in time to see Optimus carefully step over them. He flinches downwards slightly, and Lennox calms him with a hand on his back. "Relax kid. He's one of the best. He won't hurt ya."

Jack calms down, however his heart rate increases as the lift rises. He had his suspicions of who this mysterious person was, and as they grew closer his mind kept firing ideas at him.

It was in no way his father. He was at his funeral.

It couldn't be Rachel, she was at college....


Then why did they ask for his full name?

His eyes widen. She had been searching for these mechs long before college, and he warned her it could be dangerous. If she found them, they would have taken her in.... Just like they did him.

Suddenly, the lift jerks to a stop. The doors before him creakingly slide open. Bright sunlight floods through, and the silhouette of the person stands at the edge of the large rock formation. William walks forward, but when Jack begins to follow, he holds a hand back as a motion to stop him. The boy obliges and glances up to Optimus. The Prime gazes down and tries to give Jack a reassuring smile.

As Will approaches, he decides to stop a few feet behind the girl. He takes a deep breath, then speaks. "Rachel...."

At first, the girl doesn't move. Slowly, she moves her head slightly to look behind her, and Will gestures behind him. "He needs to know...." He whispers. Rachel sighs, and turns her head away. After a moment, she raises up her hand and presses the button to dematerialize her helmet. As it does so, the wind catches her hair and makes it flow to the left. She then turns right until her whole body is facing the lift, where Jack had slowly began to walk out from. His eyes meet her cyan blue ones, and he gasps. Rachel only smiles and out stretches her arms.

Jack doesn't hesitate. He races forward and slams into his older sister, wrapping her in a hug. Carefully, Rachel lowers her arms and hugs him. She doesn't squeeze him and her touch is very delicate as to not harm the boy. She presses her head down on his and whispers. "We have a lot to catch up on, Jack...."

Jack takes a deep breath, but doesn't move. "I'm just glad you're okay..." He says, squeezing his arms together more. Optimus watches the two with sorrowful eyes. He felt guilt weigh on his spark. Had this war been dealt with before Cybertron fell, these two kids would have a normal life...

Now they were threatened in more ways than they knew.


Awwwww family reunion.....

But what about momsy, you ask? Well....

Thats another chapter.




Thanks for reading~

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