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The Prime, although shocked, seems to take the news better than the young woman anticipated. Ratchet, however, was clearly losing his processor. "Only Jazz ever got away with calling Optinus that! How do you know about him?! He.... He was killed in the Battle of Mission City." Ratchet's optics widen and he gazes back down at her. She thrums her fingers on her chest and the everyone gasps. "By the Allspark..."

"You hold the spark of Jazz." Optimus states. Smokescreen's optics widen a bit more, but Rachel was focused on the Prime. His voice was laced with mixed emotions, but Rachel could feel one of them.


She stutters in shock. "I-I don't know m-much, only what Onyx Prime told me and-" Arcee interrupts, a dumbfounded look on her faceplates. "Wait, the Onyx Prime spoke to you?" She shakes her head while Rachel nods it. "Arcee, you have to believe me! He was the first Predacon, was mortally wounded and fell into Primus' spark, never to be heard from again after the battle of the Primes!"

This time, Optimus does express his shock, and Rachel joins him. "H-He...." He never told me that....

"I was merely helping prove your honesty, young one."

Rachel slightly jumps at the voice, but when no one else moves, she calms down. After all, she wasn't naive and she recognized his voice, it simply startled her. "Listen, I will tell you what I know and what happened, b-but please...." She turns to Optimus, the fear in her eyes making him worried. However, guilt fills his spark as she speaks.

"Don't be mad.... I had no choice in any of this...."

Lowering his optics, the Prime sighs and kneels down, offering his servo to her. She hesitantly steps on it and holds herself steady with her apparently reinforced iv drip hanger. It had cybertronian metal around the part she was holding.

He raises her up towards his spark, and the soft thumping of it calms her. She can't figure out why, but that didn't matter. She gazes up at him, and he nods. Taking a deep breath, she turns her bright blue gaze towards the others. She sheepishly smiles. "Y'all may want to sit down for this...."


"Then Jazz told me to tell you he misses you, boss bot, told me his name... And then I woke up." She leans back against Optimus chassis, having sat down half way through the story. Her legs had grown weary, and Ratchet needed to refill the bag with energon. He demanded her to sit, and she swiftly obliged. However, none of the other bots took her word for it and each were still standing, except Smokescreen. Ratchet threatened him with a rather large wrench if he stood.

During the whole story, no one had said a word, but she had felt the Autobot leader stiffen at the part with Jazz. Wheeljack had leaned forward when she mentioned Predacon bones, and Bulkhead's optics widen at the part about her feeling everything get crushed at the beginning, but no one spoke, or chirped, a single word.

After a while, it was Lennox who spoke up first. "Do you happen to know the name of the organization that did that to Jazz?" Rachel shakes her head. "No.... I wish I did...." She turns her eyes to Optimus. "First.... I would thank them for saving my life...."

The Prime doesn't move, but she feels Arcee stiffen. However, she finishes with a glare at the ground.

"Then I will make them pay for butchering Jazz's body. No matter what the cause.... You never butcher a body after death...." Her eyes harden, and she raises her eyes again, meeting Arcee eye to optic. "Never."

After a few moments of silence, Lennox speaks up. "Alright, we need to focus now. This place will work as a base the faster we get everything set up. However, first things first is energon." The Major turns his eye to Optimus, who nods in return. He quickly gives out orders. "Bumblebee and Arcee, scout for energon within a 100 mile radius and no further. Wheeljack and Bulkhead, assist Ratchet in reconstruction of the interior of this missile silo and any other work he needs so he may be able to continue helping our latest recruit." Wheeljack huffs, but nods. "Aye, Captain."

Ratchet looks towards the leader, concern on his faceplates. "And what about you?" The Prime turns his gaze Rachel in his servo, still sitting with her back against his chest, then to William standing on the edge of the table. "I will help Rachel with her new found abilities... You are welcome to come along, Major Lennox."

"Wouldn't miss it." Rachel smiles towards Will, her worry fading. It was as if Optimus heard her pleading for it. She didn't want to harm anyone else on accident, especially William, so having him around while they practiced would help her out a lot. The Prime slowly moves his servo away from his chest, and Rachel sits up so she doesn't fall back. Moving it to the table, Will steps on, Ratchet removes Rachel's IV, and Optimus nods to Ratchet before carefully transforming around the two and driving out the large entrance. As they near a wall, it slowly opens and they glide out and onto the road. He turns left, heading further into the desert.

Lennox gazes around, sweating in the heat until Optimus turns the AC on. Rachel asks the question before he can. "Optimus, can you tell where we are?" The Prime hums for a moment. "It seems that our current position is just outside of Jasper, Nevada." William whistles. "That's pretty far from Diego Garcia...." Rachel, eyes lowered, holds her arms against her chest. "How are we going to find everyone?" She whispers to herself, and although Lennox doesn't seem to hear her, the Prime does, and he feels his spark sink.

Even he didn't have the answer for that...

He just hoped everyone made it out of there alive.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter and so sorry if the past two-ish felt rushed. I was trying to get to this point and it was hard. Also, the chapter is short because I have something major planned, and even though I said new characters in this chapter...

I made a subtle hint at who they would be...

by who was sent out for energon.....





Thanks for reading~


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