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A/N: PLEASE EXCUSE my sad drawing skillz. I'm better at drawing what I see instead of making something new... from scratch. So that's Rachel now! Under her eye is a piece of Cybertronian metal from the tendrils  having gotten up to her face. Can you read the writing on it?? Its Cybertronian :)  also she has both wings it was jUST EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO DRAW IT GAH and she has a scar on the center of her chest. Also that is energon in parts of her hair. Certain strands of hair have it flowing through them.... weird.

So you get one wing, a weird face that and a piece of CNA protruding from her face........

Anyways, on with the story!


*Rachel's Mindscape*

Jazz stutters, his processor frying at the image he was seeing right now. 


The Creator HIMSELF

Was standing before them all.


Primus seems to sense his confusion and offers him a simple nod. "Jazz, there is no need to be concerned. I am here because I have seen this human's capacity for love, care, and kindness." He walks forward towards Onyx, and rests a hand on the Predacon's shoulder. "She has passed many tests and stayed strong through them all......" The Creator gazes at Jazz, then Broadwing, and his optics fall finally on Rachel's form. It was still beyond belief, and at the sight, Jazz's spark stops. 

She wasn't breathing anymore.

The mindscape was collapsing around them.

The once shining blue landscape was now dark, and the only things illuminating this endless abyss were Onyx Prime and Primus himself.

The Creator kneels down to Broadwing's midsection, eyeing the girl carefully. His optics are full of understanding and care. He reaches down and gracefully cups her cheek. He lifts her head slightly to gaze at her closed eyes. "She is more than worthy of my help... After all she has sacrificed to help my last knight....." A smirk plays on his lips, and his optics slightly turn up to Broadwing. "Her forgiveness towards him is astounding..... Along with some other emotions." Broadwing gives a soft smirk at that, and Jazz smiles.

Onyx turns to face them just as a light begins to ignite from Primus' hand. "Rachel... Return to us.... Your time has not yet come...." The light begins to blind everyone, but Jazz is able to spot blue begin to return to the landscape around him and color starts to return to Rachel just before the light completely consumes everything around him. As the light fades, Jazz opens his optics and his face turns into a large grin. Onyx can't help but smile as well, and Broadwing slowly stands. Standing tall before Primus, (well, as tall as a human can to the creator of Cybertron) was Rachel Penelope Darby, eyes bright and shining once more with a look of gratitude and determination set in them. However, something was different about her. Jazz doesn't have long to think on it, though, as she turns towards him with a smirk on her face.

"We've got some aft kicking to do..."


*On the Warship*

Optimus grunts as another blast slams into his chest and sends him flying back into a wall. His backstrut cracks as he makes contact with it, and the Prime can barely hold back his shout of pain. Raising his optics, Optimus glares at Megatron, who was standing at the entrance of the brig. Scattered around him were the beaten bodies of his team, still alive..... barely alive.

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