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You tink I am writing a ton?
Jokes on you!
I wrote a 4k word chapter and split it in half. Whoopsie

As I arrive at the scene, the first thing I notice is the totaled building. A crash echoes around and I launch myself over it and skid to a stop. The worm had completely pinned Optimus down, and was preparing for an attack. Ironhide was trapped under a totaled building, and I could see his closed optics. However, his spark was still beating, so I turn my focus back to Driller. He was growing closer to Optimus' spark.

I release a shout and feel the power flow into my hands. Swiftly, I rush off the building and raise my fist. It collides with the side of the large cybertronian beast, and it screeches in pain. Once I land, I curl backwards and roll under a tendril before pushing up off the ground as one sweeps under me. My feet land on a thicker tentacle, and I twist, slamming my fist into an approaching tendril. However,  I release a shout of pain and jump out of the way of another attacking piece. I keep up this retreat, ducking under pieces and dodging when I could. I hold my hand close to my chest, willing Jazz to begin healing it. It was nearly shredded from the drill head that I had punched.

I growl as I feel something come up behind me, and I barely duck before cutting left. Quickly, I launch myself over the largest part of the beast, and land on the ground. I don't move for a moment and turn when I hear its cries of distress. A smirk forms on my face at the scene. The large worm had entangled itself as it attempted to grab me.


Fear courses through me, and I push myself forwards suddenly as I feel something power up behind me. A blast obliterates my original position, and I move my gaze to lock eyes-optics-well.... optic- with Shockwave. "Rachael Penelope Darby. As I suspected." He raises his weapon again towards me, and I glare at him. "It was illogical for you to try and save the Prime. He was never my intended target." His good hand raises, and in it is a device that sends a chill down my spine. His digit slides over a button as his single red optic stays locked on me.

"You were."

Swiftly I launch forward with a snarl, trying to attack. Shockwave makes no movement other than his digit pressing down on the button. I hear parts of the earth break up and a large cage erupts from the ground below. It forms a barrier between myself and the one I was attacking. As I slam into the metal bars, I howl in pain as spikes stab into my skin. With in seconds, I'm back on the ground, eyes blazing orange as I allow Broadwing to take control for a moment to heal the wounds faster. A voice calls me back, and the moment I take control and turns towards Optimus, electricity pulses through my body.

Screams of agony explode from my throat and I collapse to my knees. I feel my sparkrate fly sky high, and as Broadwing tries to reach out to me, he is shocked as well. I can hear Optimus struggling, but his voice is drowned out by my own shrieks of pain. Even Jazz, in my subconscious, was struggling to stay on his servos and knees, holding back his own shouts of pain.

My spark feels like it will explode from my chest, and Jazz was now crumpled to the floor of my mind, spasming and groaning. Broadwing was trying to help us both, and an idea comes to mind.


'Miss! Nothing I am doing is working! What can we-'

'Merge! All of us!'

'What?!' Jazz shouts through his pain.

'That is suicide! You and Jazz could end up dying in an instant!'


I feel his hesitation, and the shocks suddenly become more intense. I turn my gaze up to see Shockwave glaring through the cage. "You are even more resilient than Lord Megatron first believed." I growl and clench my jaw to hold back a shout from my spark painfully stopping for a moment.


This time he quickly obliges and I feel Jazz's pain combine into mine. I release a long, loud, ear piercing shriek and my head whips up. The mech in my mind finally releases a shout. Broadwing suddenly joins in, but none of these shouts are in pain anymore.

Oh no.

It's rage.

Pain flares in my back, but I can barely feel it.





My eyes, glowing deep neon green, fall on shockwave. His single optic was not trained on me anymore, but was locked on Optimus who was fighting the one eyed Decepticon. The electricity was still pouring into my body. I gaze down at my hands, finding them smoking red and scarred. I growl and push. They seem to groan under the pressure, but I keep pushing until I stagger into my feet. The moment i make it up, my spark stops and I collapse back onto my knees until it beats again. I gasp for air and slowly get up on one knee.

'Miss! What is your plan?' Broadwing says between gasps, and I struggle to focus for a moment. I try to speak to him, but the pain starts to break through the bond. I feel them begin to slip from my mind, and I growl.

'Send a blast to my hands!'

I feel them slip more, and I use the last bit of my own strength to pull them back. It feels like eons pass before we fully combine once more. 'Send a shock now! We need to cancel the electricity out!'

I feel their power surge through my arms and bolts of lightning flow through my hands and explode from the tips of my fingers. The surge does what I expected and cancels out the energy from the cage. I feel relief wash over me as I try to relax my singed muscles, but it doesn't last long. Thousands of jolts fly through me once more and I fall onto my hands and knees again. I release a blood curdling scream. "Do it again!" I feel my spark skip twice and our minds begin to split just as they send their piece of strength for a final blast.

As the electricity recedes again, I shout and jump up. Fist raised, I crash back down onto the cage floor and I feel it shatter beneath my fist. The cage creaks and begins to fall, and I use once last blast to launch us free of the crash zone.

Once we clear the zone, my body lands, and my knees buckle, causing me to crash into the ground. I gasp for air as I see steam rise off my body. My armor was slightly sparking, having suffered major damage from the shocks, and I feel Jazz fall from the merge first. His body crashes against my mindscape. I feel his portion of energy fade to a dull throb, and my body suddenly feels drained.

'I.... Am sorry miss....'

Broadwing stumbles back, breaking our bond as well. He tries to carefully set himself down, but his knees buckle and he slams to the ground. This causes my body to completely go limo and my gaze locks on the sky above. I feel nothing, no fear or pain. My body was numb and I blink as the sun is blocked out of my view for a moment. I try to focus as my eyes begin to close, and the last thing my eyes see finally make me feel....

A singles red optic fills me with fear.

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