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Wheeljack leans forward and lightly pokes the girl. "Hey, if you need to talk, I'm here, but don't feel like your obligated. It's just an offer." Rachel turns towards him with a soft smile. Turning back to her window, she stays quiet for a long time. The mech blinks, then just as he turns back to his data pads, Rachel starts to spill.

"Every night, without a single break since I arrived at the base, I have had these nightmares. Not one is the same, and each time they come, everyone looks.... different. Like-Like I'm dreaming in alternate realities or something!" She throws her arms up in exasperation at that, making the mech raise an eye ridge.

"However, the endings are always the same." Her eyes lower, and she gazes back out the window. If it wasn't for his giant audio receptors, Wheeljack wouldn't have caught the last part.

"A bot always ends up dead at my feet, their sparks fading right before my eyes."

The mech says nothing, and continues to work on his data pad as if he hadn't heard it. That kind of dream shouldn't be happening, and he knew better than to say that at the moment. It would only worry her more.

Suddenly, red dots appear on the screen near Greece. This makes Rachel stand up quickly and gaze at the Wrecker. "Wheeljack! Are those...?"

"Decepticon Activity.... Right on Ironhide's tailpipe..." He shifts the ship into high gear, reaching up to catch Rachel as it pushes her back slightly. She yelps as she starts to fall, but calms down as a metal servo wraps around her. Wheeljack sets her down on the large seat again, and she quickly straps herself in.

"Hold on to something."


*Ironhide's POV*

Of course I get targeted the moment I hit a large vein of energon. Those stupid 'Cons seem to have better tech than anyone else. I blast one right out of the sky, and growl as two more take its place. Diving for cover behind a large boulder, I raise my servo to my comm.

"Ratchet! Come in! I need back-up now!"

I gaze around the boulder and blast a few missiles towards two drones, who were slowly walking this way. 

Static fills my audio.

I release another growl and launch myself back into the line of fire. It seems the composition of the area I am in is blocking my communications. As I bash a drone's head in with my clenched servo, I let a small smile dance on my face plates.

Oh well, at least I get to let some anger out....

However, that thought is short lived as an energon blast slams into my back. I shout in pain, and as I turn, another hits me in the same spot, and a ped connects with my jaw. Whirling around, I crash on the ground, spitting out a hunk of energon from my mouth.

Flipping over, I snarl at the bot before me.

"Well, I dare say, I didn't expect you to be alone, Ironhide." His voice was mocking, and I could barely hold my self from doing something stupid. Instead, I try to by sometime the way I do best.

"Of course you wouldn't, Barricade. You never go anywhere alone after having your aft handed to you by Optimus." All I had to do was anger him enough to have him shoot first. That would be my chance to escape.

However, he only growls and glares at me with his red-optics. "You're use of language shows you spend too much time with those... human pests...." He quickly turns, and orders the drones to fire when ready, and I growl. 

I have to do something! I won't go down like this!

An explosion rocks the earth below me, and I gaze up just in time to see Barricade get sent hurtling through the air into a nearby mountainside. I also note that this distracted the drones, and I didn't hesitate to use that to my advantage.

Pushing up, I slam a ped into the visor of one drone, then twist and sweep the legs of two more. I hear a cannon start to fire behind me, but the shot I hear never hits me. I turn and find myself staring at the charred corpse of my would-be attacker.

Turning my optics to the sky, I smirk at the sight of the Jackhammer flashing past and firing at the small army of Decepticons. I lift my hand to my comm and press a separate button. "Thanks for the save, Wheeljack."

However, the gruff voice doesn't reply through the coms, but instead echoes next to me. "Don't thank me. That wasn't my shooting." My head whips in his direction were I spot a sea of sliced and decapitated drones. Once the samurai finishes off another, he retracts his face mask and smirks, jabbing a thumb up towards his ride.

I give the ship a nod, and the side of my lip slightly curls up in a smirk. Lifting my hand again, I fix my earlier statement. "Good shooting, kid. Saved my tailpipe." This earns me a chuckle as the ship slightly lowers and turns towards me. "What can I say? Can't let you bots have all the fun." Her voice suddenly grows a little darker. "And it was payback for trashing my shack."

My optics widen and I turn my gaze to spot the cop car, severely beaten, quickly speeding off. I sigh, and turn back to the ship. "You know how to park that thing so we can haul some of this energon back to base?"

I get no reply, but the ship quickly descends, then cautiously lands on the ground. With ease, Wheeljack and I slice off handfuls of the crystals and begin to walk around when the girl appears at the back. Her face was shiny, and her eyes were barely red, as if she had tried to make it look like she wasn't crying. "I would offer a hand, but I don't want to lose them." She gives us both a smile, and I can't help but return it before loading the energon.

We keep this going until we can no longer pack anymore without risking Rachel's safety. Once we load ourselves, Rachel places herself on Wheeljack's shoulders and gazes over at me. "You look like we made it here just in time." She comments, and I huff. "I feel like it too. Ratchet will have a fit when he sees me." This makes Wheeljack let out a light chuckle, and I punch his shoulder. "Ah! Careful, you big lug. Might scratch my paint."

Rolling my optics, I turn towards the front of the ship and groan. My back was hurting the most, but I was mostly worried about the girl. She wasn't usually this quiet, and when I looked at her again, her eyes were closed. Something wasn't right, and I made a mental note to tell Optimus.... right after my check up with the doc.


A/N: Short chapter, I know, but I wanted to get something out for you guys and tell yall something

1) please read my other stuffz and tell me if I should continue any of them

2)who do you think died in her last dream?

3)should I include predacons in this story or stick with the dino bots only?

comment, fav, follow! Thanks for reading!

p.s. also *le gasp* OVER 100 READS?!

/>.<\ Thank you so much! Remember to fav, comment, and follow! Thanks for reading~

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