Secrets Revealed

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[Rachel's POV]

I hiss as my mother finishes applying the wrap to my upper half. It's been almost a full day since she learned of almost everything the hard way. We were currently in the med bay. I should have been healed by now, but Airachnid's poison is slowing down the process. Most of the wounds had scabbed already, but I was still bruised and sore. I could see the worry in my mother's eyes, as well as confusion, fear, and regret.

"Mom.... I-I'm sorry I never told you..." I start, but she just lays a gentle hand on my wrapped arm. My wings twitch behind me, and I hiss. "N-No... Honey, I'm sorry. I-I never knew they would... That it would cause...." She stutters then sighs. "I should have told you from the start why I didn't want you looking into these guys." 

I gaze at my mother, the one who raised me and has always done what she believes is best for me. I could still see the fear in her eyes, and her voice slightly shook. She wasn't fearful of the Bots, or myself....

"You're worried they will find me, aren't you?"

Mom snaps her head up at me, her eyes wide. She starts to ask, but stops and simply nods her head. "I-I didn't know they were.... were bad! I simply thought they wanted to help.... I knew it was sketchy but I...." she gazes at me, then over to Jack who was conversing with Optimus about what had happened again. Arcee was there too, as I had asked them to let me be with my mom. Plus they needed to get every single detail they could to help us track them down.

My mom gazes back to me once more, though, and finishes. "I just wanted my daughter back..." Tears were now streaming down her face, and I struggled to hold back my own. My spark hurt for her, and I feel a tug in my subconscious.

"Oh! Um... Mom? I want you to meet a few people." She looks confused, and I shake my head. "Not Optimus and the team, but uh... well, I will explain after." I stiffly stand and walk over to the computer nearby. It powers up quickly and I swiftly type until it takes over the main screen. My life sign pops up first, and I point to it as my mother walks up behind me. "That signature is me. The top line is my voice speaking, and the bottom is my sparkrate." She nods, as we had already explained most of my new genetics to her.

Most of them.

Two more life signs pop up, and she gazes at them confused. "And... those two are... also me... sort of." She looks utterly confused and nearly jumps as Jazz speaks up. "That's the dumbest way to describe this ever, Rache." I scowl at him in my mind, but my face says nothing. Before mom can react, I hold up a hand and gesture to the other one. "There's one more." Broadwing takes this time to talk. "Hello, Ms. June. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." Mom simply looks bewildered as she gazes around and spots no one else nearby.

"You won't see us out there ma'am." Jazz says, and my Mom gazes at the screen, then finally back to me. My fingers lay against my chest and I tap it. "That spark they put in me? It belongs to Jazz, the first one you heard." "What's up?" "The other is Broadwing. He is from the piece they used to fuse my spine back together." "Good evening." My mother seems to begin understanding, so I tell her everything.... after I get her to sit down first.

I spill everything. From the first time I met them, to my encounter with energon (left out my 'almost died by large missile part'. That will be for later.), to our need to move after our base was compromised, to what happened with Airachnid. Her eyes were fixed on me the entire time, only glancing over as I started to finish and Optimus walks up to the screens behind me. She gazes at him until something sparks in her mind. I see her eyes light up with recognition at his paint job. I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment when she turns back to me. "Y-Yeah... He's the truck you saw me leave with the first night here...."

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