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*Rachel's POV*


That's all I could feel.

At first, it was anger, fear, worry, then rage took over.

I fought it at first, but then I realized I needed it. The voices in my head said otherwise, but what do they know?

They're dEaD.

I fought, landed quite the blast to Soundwave's helm. Cracked his visor. I don't think he will be getting up for a while. When I left the portal, Megatron dared to try and send Optimus to the Allspark.

That dumb aft.

It was easy work to dash over there and stop his blade. It was even easier to lift him and toss him aside like the chew toy he was. My chest was burning, as if fire was welling up inside of me and it needed to be let out. 

Who else would be a better target than the Decepticon warlord that dared to use my kind for his tyranny.

With graceful ease, I launch myself off the chassis of the Prime. He was safe for now, and a much larger picture lay before me. A seeker and his beloved leader. Just as the latter of the two finds his footing, I stretch out my palms and slam into his chest. I feel the cybermatter slightly cave, and with hyper speed, I flip my body over to kick him away. Swiftly I land on the ground, kneeling to cushion the impact as to not break this fragile body. Even with this armor on, I was still surprisingly breakable, and that would not be good.

Something moves.

My ear twitches at the softest sound behind me.

With ease I drop backwards, gazing up as the clawed servo feebly scratches at the air where I was previously standing. Leaning against these cLawleSs haNds, I push my legs up into a handstand and kick at the arm's missile. As my foot meets the end of it, the metal on metal contact ignites it and I quickly finish the back handspring. Landing on my feet, I turn and quickly rush around the one called Starscream as he panics and fires the projectile so the explosion does not rid him of his arm.

It erupts a few feet before him.

Right in the face of Megatron.

Said leader roars in pain and stumbles backwards. The seeker in front of me panics and begins to step backwards.

WrOng ChOicE

As I climb his leg, I hear the explosion, muffled by the seeker's ped, and his cries of pain follow. They calm the raging fire in my chest a bit, but not much. I nEEdeD mOrE.... I could hear a voice calling out for me.... Was it in my head? Was it real? I couldn't tell, I was only focused on one thing.

I had reached Starscream's other arm. My hands latch on to his last missile and I wrench it off his wrist. I feel his helm turn towards my location, but it didn't matter now. It was too late. I was rushing back up his arm, explosive in hand. He swipes at me with his good servo, but I easily slide beneath his attack. The WeAkLinG. However, I reach up my sErvO at the last minute and wrap it around his last smallest digit. As he swipes away, I use the momentum to launch me in the air, away from another explosive that wE had slipped between the plating near Starscream's elbow.

I only hear his torMenTed screAms of aGoNy, which fuel the burning passion to KILL KILL KILL inside of me. My eyes lock onto the optics of my current victim, who I was free falling towards. They were wide and shining a bright, glowing, soft cyan blue. I raise the missile above my head. My left SerVo heats up, nearing the ignition port at the end of the projectile. I feel the rage boil over inside of me and fuel each movement. I wAs gaIniNg CONTROL.

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