The Final Fight...

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*Rachel's Mindscape*

"What.... What do you mean there's nothing else you can do?! You're Onyx. Prime! You've... You've gotta help her, man!" Jazz yells, walking over towards the glowing body of the Prime. Said cybertronian only turns his head towards the Lieutenant and shakes it. "I am merely a spirit now, one with the Allspark. I am able to help her only due to her connection to me, which is limited. I..... can only do so much." Jazz huffs and starts to shout. "Well, why didn't you warn us?! You could have told us this would happen sooner or later, then we may have been able to help her!"

Before he can continue, Broadwing's steady growl causes Jazz to look towards him. The whole mindscape shudders, and it closes in on the group more. Jazz locks optics with Broadwing, who only drops his gaze to the young woman laying against his midsection. Instead of her normal, glowing appearance, she was barely a flicker, and her breathing was almost unnoticeable. Her once soft, glowing blue eyes were shut, and she was curled in a tight ball.

"She is growing weaker..... I do not want our final moments together to be filled with bickering..... She... Rachel would not want this." Jazz feels his spark plummet, but he tries to calm himself. He knows Broadwing is right, but....

He hated feeling useless.... And helpless....

Onyx closes his optics and turns away. "I.... I never wanted this to happen.... I am sorry."

"There is no need to fret, old friend....."

A new voice joins in, and all optics rise up to the ceiling of Rachel's mindscape, confusion in each mech's features. Suddenly, a bright light floods their vision, so bright that even Rachel slightly flinches in her sleep, but she doesn't move besides that. 

Finally, the bright light fades and in its place is another cybertronian, in full form slowly gliding down to join the small group. Jaws drop open, and Onyx bows his helm. Broadwing gazes at the newcomer carefully, and Jazz can only stare in shock.



*On the Warship*

Blaster fire echoes down a hall, gaining the attention of two drones standing outside Shockwave's laboratory. One leans forward, gazing down the empty hall in confusion. As the lifeless husk of another drone is thrown into the corridor, both drones step towards it and aim their cannons. 

However, one gets tapped from behind. As it turns, Wheeljack slams his fist directly into it's visor, and it falls to the ground in a slump. Before the other an attack, a blue blast crashes into it's helm and it falls to the floor in a heap of metal. Gazing up, Wheeljack smirks as Smokescreen races forward, dragging the first drone behind him before reaching down and picking up the second. Wheeljack grabs the third before he steps closer to the door. It opens and the two quickly enter with the husks. As the door shuts, Wheeljack tosses his charge to the side and locks it before turning to Smokescreen, who also throws his two packages to the side. 

"Well... That was harder than expected." Smokescreen says, patting his servos together. He gazes over to Wheeljack, then around and gasps. "Woah...."

Wheeljack follows his companions eyes and mimics his reaction. "Looks like we hid the mad scientist jackpot." The room was, indeed, a lab, littered with different tools and equipment. A table was in the center, and both bots can barely hold back growls at what was still on it, as if it was still there just to mock them.

Blood was dried to the metal with energon barely glowing from it as well.

On a table next to it was a bone fragment from a human rib and a cybertronian wing.

Wheeljack growls and Smokescreen huffs. They turn away from it as Smokescreen points. "There! That's the suit!" Indeed, on the table next to it all was the fried remains of Ratchet's armor for Rachel. Wheeljack walks over to it and examines what remains of it. It was completely fried, inside and out, and even a piece of skin was still on it, making the anger in his spark spike.

"Ratchet, come in. We've located the suit and have secured the room. Do you copy?" Smokescreen's voice echoes from behind Wheeljack, and the mech continues to look around. He hears Ratchet reply something, but the mech ignored it. Something felt.... off. It was too easy, seeing as this was a lab, and most likely belonged to one of the two scientists on board. He knew Knockout would have cleaned his place already, being the clean neat freak he was.....

Wheeljack's optics widen, and he quickly turns. However, the sight before him makes him raises his servos, which were now blasters. 

Shockwave was standing tall over the unconscious form of Smokescreen, who had a rather large burn mark on the center of his back. Steam still rose from it. "It was illogical to attempt an ambush." His helm drops slightly, a slight crack on his single optic barely showing. "We have been waiting."


On the other side of the com, Ratchet begins to panic. "Optimus! Smokescreen hasn't responded, and Wheeljack isn't answering his com." The Prime quickly turns to the rest of the team. "Autobots! It is time. Ratchet, open the bridge now!" The medic doesn't hesitate, and the portal whirrs to life. In an instant, Optimus rushes towards it, the rest of Team Prime in tow.

Before long, they arrive in the lab, optics widening at the scene. Wheeljack was currently on his knees, energon dripping from his lips and one optic shut tight in pain. Behind him was Barricade and Starscream, a sly smirk on the seeker's face plates. To the groups right was Smokescreen, still face down and groaning, steam and smoke rising from his back. His optics were shut tight in pain.

Optimus growls, and his optics flick up to the open doorway, where his former brother stood, his violet optics boring into Optimus' own. "Optimus! How nice for you to finally join us. I was beginning to worry....." His smile widens as the portal closes, revealing a multitude of drones surrounding the small group. The Autobots arm themselves and form a circle, but even Optimus knows it will be no use. 

Megatron releases a laugh as he turns his ion cannon towards Wheeljack. "I'd advise you to stand down, Optimus. That is, if you value your teammates as much as your human companions." This causes Optimus' optics to narrow, and Megatron smirks. His cannon brightens, and Wheeljack gazes at Optimus. His open optic screams at him to fight back, but the Prime only growls before lowering his weapons. His blasters shift back into servos, and he turns his helm to the side and gestures for everyone else to do the same. They do so, dejected looks on each face. 

Megatron laughs, and Wheeljack only sighs in defeat. "How ironic it is, Optimus, that you will be defeated.... in the very same room she was...." The Prime's optics widen, and he gazes towards the table the warlord was gesturing towards, spotting the blood. The captured wreaker's good optic widens. 'That's why he left it!' Rage bubbles in his spark, but not as much as Optimus. The Prime feels his spark stop at the sight of the dried blood-energon mix. As his narrowed optics turn back to Megatron, the warlord's smirk only widens. Before anyone can react, his cannon fires.

Barely a shout is released from Wheeljack as it slams into his shoulder and sends him skidding across the ground. Once he stops, his optics fall shut and energon begins to pool on the ground beneath him. Optimus starts to move forward to try and save him, but another shot rings out and slams into the Prime's chest. He crashes into Cliffjumper and Ironhide, who barely catch him after receiving wounds themselves. Arcee struggles to stand in front of them all, blades and blasters out.

As Optimus slowly regains his balance, his optics glare directly at Megatron. The silver mech simply gazes back, a sadistic smile on his face. "It's over, Prime..."

"There is no hope for escape."




so please be patient as I get the next chapter out! I promise you guys will love it!

As always,




Thanks for reading~

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