Fantasy on Ice in Makuhari

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Your POV

It's the 3rd day in Japan. And today, we decided to go to Makuhari to explore some of the museums and parks. We all left the hotel pretty early, around 8 in the morning. We also grab breakfast at the nearest seven-eleven because we're on a budget.

We then took the train to Makuhari. Once we arrived there, we started to explore around the station and then make our way to an AEON in Makuhari to grab some lunch before going to the Chiba Prefecture Makuhari Seaside Park.

After lunch, it was already 12PM. So we decided to immediately head towards the Chiba Prefecture Park. But apparently, we got lost along the way.

"Where are we at the moment?" I asked

"To be honest, I have no idea. Everything is in Japanese and I couldn't quite understand it" my sister's boyfriend said

"What are we going to do now? Let's try to ask someone" my sister suggested

And with that, the 3 of us split up to find someone to ask for directions. I decided to walk a bit further to find someone because the street that we were at is apparently not crowded. I kept walking until I found a man, just standing around and playing with his phone.

"Umm, sumimasen. Anata wa umm..." but before I could continue the man turned around and started to talk

"You don't have to speak Japanese if you can't. I can speak a bit of English" said a familiar voice

When I heard him speak, it sounds so familiar. I then looked up to see who it was and turns out it was Yuzuru Hanyu. The Yuzuru Hanyu that I've been sorta obsessed with since last year when he won his 2nd Olympic Title.

"Yuzuru...Hanyu. Eh, um Hanyu Yuzuru. Wait umm, Yuzu-san..." but before I could say anything else, Yuzu patted my head and I completely froze

"You're pretty funny. Just call me Yuzu. You wanted to ask something?" Yuzu asked while putting his hand down

"Ummm, I, ugh...Can you show me how to get to the Chiba Prefecture Makuhari Seaside Park?" I asked while looking down

"Hmm, I don't normally do this but since I was early to arrived here, sure, why not. It's not that far from here" Yuzu said while smiling

"Huh?! Hontoni?!" I said in shocked and looked at Yuzu

"Hai, hontoni. C'mon, let's go" Yuzu said while starting to walk away

"Hold on Yuzu-san" I said, catching up to him

"Hmm?" Yuzu asked while turning around

"Umm, I'm actually here with my sister and her boyfriend. They're over there" I said while looking the other way

"Why don't you say so? Go and call them, I'll wait here" Yuzu said

"Alright, wait for a minute" I said while rushing to call my sister and her boyfriend

Once I've called them and told them that I've found someone that can help us, they then followed me towards where Yuzu is at. I then introduce Yuzu to my sister and her boyfriend but I didn't tell them that he's a 2x Olympic champion because I didn't want to cause any casualties.

We then followed Yuzu until we've reached the park. Once we've reached the park, we asked Yuzu if he could take a picture of the 3 of us. Luckily he said that he'd happily take the picture. Before Yuzu left us, he said that he hopes we enjoy our time in Japan and said stay safe. We then bowed and thank Yuzu. But before Yuzu actually left us, I caught up to him when my sister and her boyfriend were taking pictures of the view.

"Hanyu-senshu, wait a second" I said, trying to catch up to Yuzu

"Hmm? What is it? Do you need to ask some more directions?" Yuzu asked

"Umm, iie. Can I..umm...take a selfie...with you" I said shyly

"Hehehe, you really are a funny one. Of course you can. Don't be shy, ok?" Yuzu said while smiling and patting my head

"Umm, ha..hai" I said looking up to him

I then took my phone out and attempt to take a selfie. But the photo looked blurry. I then took a few more but it was still not good. Either my hand was shaking or something else. When I was going to take the selfie again, Yuzu suddenly took my phone

"Umm, why don't I do it, ok?" Yuzu said while holding my phone

"Hai, Hanyu-senshu" I replied

We then took a few selfies. One where we were being casual, then being a bit dorky, doing a SEIMEI pose, etc. I then looked at the pictures and wow they were great, the sunlight from the background really helped. I can't believe that Yuzu is not only a 2x Olympic champion but he can also take amazing pictures.

"Hontoni arigatou Hanyu-senshu" I said while bowing my head

"Hai. Anytime, you take care now ok? Be careful alright? Sayonara" Yuzu said while waving and walking away

"Hai, take care as well Yuzu-san. Sayonara" I said while waving back

After I couldn't see Yuzu anymore, I then went back to where my sister and her boyfriend was at. We then took some more photos before heading to another place. After a few hours of walking around the city, we then grabbed something to eat before heading back to the park to take some pictures during the sunset.

After we took some pictures during sunset, we then try to head back to the AEON mall but apparently we got lost again and then we bumped into someone

"Eh, sumimasen" I said

"Eh, it's you" a guy said while turning around

Hey there guys, welcome to part 2 of the story, I'm really sorry if the first few chapters will be boring. It'll get more interesting as the story goes on. Also, Yuzu will be in Moscow very soon. Who's going to be watching Yuzu live??

Anyways, I hope that this story will be ok because there are already a lot of stories about Yuzu that's about ice skating. And most of them are amazing like "My Healer", "Give me Love", then "In our own corner", and especially  "Letters to Yuzuru"

Ok that's going to be all for now, I'll see you guys in the next chapter, hopefully soon. Also, feel free to leave any ideas for this story because this story is still in progress. See you soon :)

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now