Grand Prix Helsinki

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Your POV

It was the next morning and luckily, I managed to wake up at 7am then instantly took a shower, got ready and get everything I needed; wallet, ID, mask, phone, water bottle, dignity (whoops, lost it last night). I then said goodbye to Evgenia before going out of the room. Right after I closed the door and turned around, I accidentally hit someone. Luckily, it was just Boyang. He asked whether I had a good night sleep or not which I answered with a yes but in a sorta tone. We then walk towards the lift and suddenly Jason Brown and Jun came out of their rooms as well. We all then headed towards the lift together. In the lift, Jason then decided to cut the silence, as usual. But this time, by asking a question I had hoped he didn't ask. Oh boy...

"So...Spill the beans girl. What happened after you left?? What did Yuzu do?? Was he mad at you?? Did the two of you do something?? Was he rough with you like you know what I mean" Jason says, looking at me, smirking

"Hold on a second. First of all, no, Yuzu wasn't mad at me. He told me that he was just worried. Second of all, no of course we didn't do anything like that. Nothing happened between us alright" I said, looking away

"Yeah, if that's true then why did Evgenia say she got a glance of you and Yuzu in front of the door of your room??" Jason asked, poking my shoulder

"Wha?! Yuzu just accompanied me all the way to my room. That's all" I said, looking away because I know I was slightly blushing

Right before Jason could tease me about blushing, the door to the lift opened and it was Yuzu right in front of us. Yuzu then asked what he had missed which Jason answered with a simple nothing. We all then went out of the lift towards the main entrance. Yuzu then walked right beside me and whispered me to put on my mask and hoodie on because we were about to go outside of the hotel. Outside the hotel, a van was already waiting for all of us. Once we've reached the rink, Yuzu then told me that from here on out, the rules that he has told me about will apply. I then nod in saying that I understand.

At the backstage of the rink, Yuzu, Boyang, Jason, and Jun did some stretching then practise their balance and all those off ice warm ups before tying their shoes and we all head towards the rink. While waiting, Jason decided to throw a ball towards me while he was doing some balancing practise. Which not long after that, Boyang decided to join us and then Jun joined us as well. But when I looked towards Yuzu, he seemed to be quite serious with his off ice warm up. He has been jumping quads on land, doing some running, and other stuff. Even though Yuzu had said it before, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad because he seems so into the practise and not try to practise with the rest. After the off ice warm up was done, all of them then took their skating bag and started to tie their shoes. Once they were done, they then put their bags at some place and we then proceed to the actual rink. One step outside of the curtains, I was shock on how big competition rinks are. Damn, I bet it's bigger than my old school (jokes, probably true though). All of them then took of their blade guards while I stand right next to coach Brian. All of them except Yuzu handed me their blade guard before they headed inside the rink. While Yuzu gave his blade guard to coach Brian and proceed to skate around the rink. Before they all started to skate, coach Brian told them to do the normal strokes that they did in TCC.

While all of them started to warm up, coach Brian told me that Yuzu probably don't want to attract any attention towards me if he were to interact with me unless it's about a language barrier or anything important. Coach Brian told me not to feel like Yuzu is cold towards me because he said that back in Canada, Yuzu truly insisted on making me his and Boyang's assistant and translator. Coach Brian also told that Yuzu kept on persuading and telling him that I could be a good part of the team and kept telling him good things about me. I couldn't help but smile because it's Yuzu but I had to act professional so I just act like it was a normal thing. Thank goodness I was wearing a mask. Not long after the boys did some strokes and a bit of warm up, they came back towards us and asked if they needed to warm up a bit more or not. Coach Brian then told Yuzu to practise his 4Lo first then do a few 3A before trying the 4A. For Jason, coach Brian told him to practise the new quads he had just learnt, the 4T and 4S. Same goes for Jun. And last for Boyang, coach told him to practise his 4lz then his step sequence because he wants to see how well Boyang is with showing his emotions in his skating.

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now