Shoma x Reader

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Quick note: this is a one-shot that was requested by @hammyonice so, this is my interpretation of the request. So sorry in advance if it's too cheesy or cringy. Here you go

(Y/N)'s POV

This was the dress I thought of, feel free to think of another kind

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This was the dress I thought of, feel free to think of another kind

It was finally the day!! The day that I finally graduate from university. After all those times of late night at the library with my friends, finishing up an assignment the day before it was due. Getting anxiety every single time before they handed our assignments back or our final exam, it was all over and we were all going to start a new chapter of our lives. We were all now at the backstage of the hall, waiting to be called before actually going to the hall, taking our seats then wait again for each of our names are called to be handed our degree. After many hours later, it was finally my turn to finally get my bachelors degree. Once they called my name, I proudly stood up and walked towards the stage, bowed to the chancellor before they handed me the diploma that stated I have completed my bachelor's degree then I waved to the crowd with a happy face before heading back to my seat. 

Once the ceremony was over, we all took pictures together, had some snacks before they bring out the food for dinner because our graduation ceremony was held during the mid-afternoon to evening. So, you can bet that I am one hungry gal. I even worked out very hard for the graduation but who cares? We work out to eat guys!!! Anyways, once the food finally came out, we all then head towards the food, line up and get our dinner. As I was about to line up as well and get my food, I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around, I was met with a huge bouquet of flowers which now, everyone was staring at. I blushed quite hard but try my best to hide it, especially when I found out that the one behind the bouquet was in fact Shoma, my boyfriend of 3 years. Shoma and I met when we were at a comic store and accidentally bumped into each other while looking for the same comic. From there, we got off, we talked, got to know each other and the rest is history.

"Congratulations on finishing you degree (Y/N)-chan" Shoma said, smiling while handing me the bouquet of (favourite flowers)

"Congratulations on finishing you degree (Y/N)-chan" Shoma said, smiling while handing me the bouquet of (favourite flowers)

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This is what I thought of for a big bouquet of flowers but again, feel free to imagine another kind of flowers

"Shoma-kun!! I didn't expect that you were going to come. I thought that you had training to do? Isn't the next season coming up very soon?" I ask, taking the bouquet then walking away from the food line with Shoma

"Well, I can always train another day. But, this special day only come once in a lifetime. There is no way that I'm missing this special day. It's also a good excuse to see my girlfriend" Shoma said as we were now hand in hand walking away from everyone and was now at a small hill near the campus hall where the graduation was held

"You know that you are very cheesy right? You are definitely not a cheesy type but hey, I'll take it" I said, looking at the view beyond the hill

"Well, you learn something new every day. But there is another reason why I'm here" Shoma said, sounding a bit serious this time

"What?  Is it about that new barbeque place that recently opened? Or are you going to visit your family after this? Did something happen?!" I asked, my mind was wandering off of the amount of possibilities that could explain what else does Shoma needs to do that I wasn't looking at him and when I took my hand, I was shocked to see what he was doing. Shoma was now on one knee

"(Y/N)...calm down. Nothing bad happened. Guess, I should explain huh?" Shoma said, holding my left hand while going down on one knee, leaving me in shock

"Uhhh, Shoma...wha..." I tried to get words out because my brain does not want to function

"Well, this is my gift for you graduation. (Y/N), before I met you, I had never thought on actually getting to know someone, date them and eventually marry them. That would be the last thing I would ever think of because all I ever think of well, if I'm going to be honest is food, skating and gaming. I never know why I would want to settle down with someone. That is until I met you that day at the comic store. You definitely change my life. You change my perspective on many things that I would never thought of were that exciting. You change me into a better person, a better man and these past 3 years of being in a long-distance relationship made me realise how much I actually care for you and how much I miss you and I would even count the days until we would be able to meet each other again and spend our time together. I know I am not that much of a romantic person, I certainly am not good with words, but one thing is for sure is that with you, everything will surely be alright. So, (Y/F/N), will you spend the rest of your life with this meat-loving, sleepyhead, game lover, hopeless romantic figure skate?" Shoma asks, still leaving me in shock and he pulled out a velvet box with a beautiful simple rose gold ring

 So, (Y/F/N), will you spend the rest of your life with this meat-loving, sleepyhead, game lover, hopeless romantic figure skate?" Shoma asks, still leaving me in shock and he pulled out a velvet box with a beautiful simple rose gold ring

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This is the ring that I thought of 

"Shoma...I...YESS!! OF COURSE YOU LITTLE MUSHROOM!!!" I said, basically starting to cry tears of joy as Shoma smiled, put the ring on my finger before getting back up as I tackled him with the biggest and longest hug before ending one of the best evening with a kiss, not realising that my parents and friends were actually watching, recording and taking pictures of us


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YEAH, MY FIRST ONE-SHOT REQUEST!! OMG, I'M SO SORRY IF IT'S SO CHEESY OR CRINGY BUT WHEN I THINK OF ENGAGEMENT AFTER A GRADUATION, THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT OF AND I HOPE THAT THE PICTURES WOULD HELP AS WELL!! ANYWAYS, ONCE AGAIN, I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AN ACTUAL CHAPTER BUT I HOPE THAT THIS WILL KEEP YOU ALL ENTERTAIN UNTIL I FINISH THIS ONE MAJOR ESSAY THAT'S DUE NEXT WEEK. Alright, I'm going to go submit one assignment that's due this week before moving on for the essay for next week. I promise I will try to update next week!! There's one more one-shot request unless anyone else would want me to do more one-shots but thank you so much for reading and see you all in the next chapter :) xoxo Vinet

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