An Unfortunate Event

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Disclaimer: this chapter may contain some violence, traumatised events. Feel free to skip this chapter if you don't like these things or if you're uncomfortable reading these kind of things

P.S feel free to use your friend's name to make it more realistic

F1: your 1st friend's name

F2: your 2nd friend's name

F3: your third friend's name

Guy 1: a guy that you hate

Guy 2: another guy that you hate

Your POV

Your POV

It was just 3 days left before the world championships begin. I still haven't talked to Nathan ever since that incident neither did we say hello even if accidentally bumped into each other or just passed by each other. I feel that today will be the last day I'll see Nathan in a while since I'm pretty sure that he's packing up and getting ready to go to worlds. I really want to say goodbye to him but in the other hand, I don't really want to start the conversation. I know that his class only class today ends at like 11am which was the same time I finish class as well. I then decided to suck it up and say goodbye after class. Luckily, my class ended slightly earlier; like 10 minutes earlier. Which is the perfect time for me to head to Nathan's class that's in a different building than mine.

As I finally reached Nathan's class, all the students started to come out and I was searching around for Nathan which I did but it wasn't Nathan that I just saw. I saw 2 guys from the previous semester; who me and my friends reported for doing some harassment to some of the girls on campus. Oh crap, please don't see me. Please don't suspect that I was one out of my friends that reported him. Also, how are they able to get into campus?! Didn't the university ban them or something?! While I was so focus on those two, I didn't realise that Nathan was calling out to me and even shaking me.

"(Y/N), hey (Y/N). Are you with me?? You seemed like you just saw a ghost or something. Are you alright??" Nathan asks, shaking me

"Oh, hey, yeah, sorry about that. I just thought I saw someone that I knew. How are you??" I asked, nervously

"I'm good. And about you??" Nathan asks, scratching his head

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. I just wanted to say goodbye since you're probably leaving for worlds soon" I said

"Yeah, I'm leaving for worlds tomorrow actually. I'm gonna head back and start packing. So, I know it's not my place to ask but, are you coming for worlds??" Nathan asks

"Unfortunately, as much as I would love to, I'm not. I told everyone that I'm not going since I gotta do my assignments. And don't worry, you can still email me your assignments so I can print and submit them" I said

"Really?! (Y/N), you don't have to do that y'know. I was given extensions by all the lecturers. They all allow me to submit it a week after my competitions are over. But because of that, lots of my other assignments will overlap. And it'll be jam pack when I get back" Nathan says

"I can help if you want but yeah it is still up to you. I wish you the best of luck for worlds. Call me bias but I still want Yuzu to win. And since now you know I know about all the skating stuff, just being honest, last year's worlds was completely ugh...So many UR weren't called, PCS were inflated, and much more. So, I just wish you all the best of luck. May the one who skate the cleanest and fair judging wins" I said

"Heh, well don't tell anyone but I was very happy that I was able to defend my title but I feel that I just got lucky that everyone didn't skate clean. I'm willing to bet that if Yuzu hadn't popped that 4S in the short and landed the same jump cleanly in the free, he would've won. But he had an injury so...I'm actually looking forward for this worlds since he has gotten healthier, didn't hurt himself, landed the 4A every competition. So, it'll be quite a challenge to go against him" Nathan says, putting his hands in his pockets

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now