A Day off with TCC

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Hello everyone, it is I!! Author-chan, Vinet!! I hope that you all are doing well!! Here is another one-shot that was requested by @lazypooh_ . Though both Gaby and Boyang are not in TCC, for the sake of this one-shot, I decided to put them both in. Also, another heads up, forgive me if I still suck at one-shot but I do try my best!! If anyone would like to request other one-shots, feel free to let me know!! It's always interesting to see what you want in a story and it may give me ideas for future stories. Anyways, here is a day off with TCC and I also decided that there won't be a very specific pairing (maybe Yuzu and the reader) but not heavily focussed on. It's more of one of the rare occasion where Yuzu decides to take a day off. Alright, here you guys go.

Normal POV

Day in day out, from Monday-Friday, the early mornings, late nights were a very normal schedule for figure skaters especially the elite skaters in TCC. However, there are some rare cases where they are able to have day-offs despite the busy schedule during the figure skating season. Today was one of those days and an even rarer day because the Yuzuru Hanyu decided to take a day off as well and even agreed to go along with the TCC gang to go wherever that day. Mainly due to the fact that Javi came by to see them all and with the help of (Y/N), the TCC's trusty assistant that would help them with their schedules, competitions, their equipment and even their day-offs. With this rare occasion, everyone decided to talk about what they were going to do. Some suggested that they go cafe hopping, some also suggested to go to the mall and hang out there but there was one suggestion that made everyone agreed.

Group Chat

(Y/N)- what if we go to The Beaches? You know, Beaches Park? It's like a 30-minute drive from TCC and there are not a lot of people during the weekdays. There's also a park nearby that we can walk from the beach. We don't have to go swimming or anything. It can just be a normal walk along the shore, take pictures together. Especially since you all are normally indoors, on ice and is normally a low temperature. I feel that you guys should get a little sun

Jason- that is a great idea!! I could really head to the beach. It helps clear your mind and the sun also helps with defrosting after being in the rink most of your life. What do you all think? I can request a car so it will be like a road trip!!

Zhenya- I agree!! Glen Stewart Park is also nearby and we can take lots of pictures together!! We can go on a walk at the park if we arrive quite early then stay at the beach

Habi- well, I'm good with whatever. I do agree with (Y/N) and Jason that we all should get some sun. Especially a certain Japanese guy that just sits in their room and does not socialise that much. Who knows Yuzu, you might find a pooh while walking at the park?😏😏

Olympic Champ- OI!! Habi!!! I don't stay in my room all day. I also go out...

(Y/N)- yeah, go out to go grocery shopping or run some errands or even find a nearby frozen lake...Javi's right. So, it's decided, right? We'll go walk in the park until like 10ish then get brunch before heading to the beach. Maybe even play some volleyball or some sort!!

Noodle boi- YAY!!! We're going on a trip...(author chan here: feel free to continue this theme song on your own) So, do we need like swimwear or?

Gaby- I think just a T-shirt and normal pants should be good. I wouldn't recommend jeans. Bring shorts just in case it suddenly gets hot and bring flip flops as well. What time are we meeting tomorrow?

Jun- well, I don't think you would want to catch the sunrise. It's at like at 6 in the morning. Unless you want to get up at 4.30 AM

(Y/N)- well, if we sleep in 30 minutes, we can definitely catch the sunrise. I mean, you guys wake up early for competitions or flights, right? This one time of waking up early during your day-off should be fine. Hey, look at the bright side. We'll get back before 9 then you guys can have an early bedtime. Plus, you guys have 2 day-offs. 

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