2x or 3x in a day?

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Still your P.O.V

When the guy turned around, I was shock to find out that it was Yuzu. Wow, I can't believe it. 2x in a day?! Am I dreaming or what?!?!

"Ha..Hanyu-senshu" I said in shocked

"Hai. Nice to see you again" Yuzu said smiling

"You haven't gone back to your hotel or home?" I asked

"Iie, we went somewhere to eat in a restaurant that we booked. It was very close so we just walk there. Now, we are going to our busses to go back to our hotel. What about you?" Yuzu asked

"Oh, we were just about to head back to AEON mall and then catch a train back to Tokyo" I said

"Ah, do you want me to show you the way again?" Yuzu asked

But before I could answer, we were interrupted by someone that sounds sort of like Javi?!

"Hey bro, what's taking you so long? Eh, who do we have here? Is she an old friend of yours Yuzu?" Javi asked while putting his arm on Yuzu

"Huh? Javi!! You scared me. No, this is a fan. She bumped into me this morning and asked me for directions. I then helped her to get to where she needs to go and then left. I didn't think that I would bumped into her again" Yuzu said

"Oh, you're a fan. Please to meet you. I'm Javi. It's very rare for us, especially Yuzu, to bumped into the same fan 2x in a day" Javi said

"Ha..hai Javi. I'm also a fan of yours. I loved your performance back in the Olympics, last year. It's sad that you've retired. Hope that you're doing great" I said shyly while looking the other way

"Aww thanks. But at least that I'm still participating in some ice shows. Also, you don't have to be shy. I like meeting fans. I don't bite, I promise. But I can't promise for Yuzu here, hehehe" Javi said, laughing

"JAVI!!!" Yuzu said while taking Javi's arm off of him

"Hahaha. The both of you are really like brothers. Javi, can I take a picture with you?" I asked shyly

"Of course, Yuzu, be a good guy and take the picture for us alright" Javi said while coming over to my side

"Yuzu, gomen if it's a bother" I said while handing my phone over to Yuzu

"Iie, it's not a bother at all. Alright, get closer. San, ni, ichi" Yuzu said while taking the picture

I then took a few pictures with Javi with different styles. Hugging, being serious, laughing together, and many more. Just when Yuzu was taking a picture, we then heard some other people coming. It was the Shibsibs, Shoma, Evgeni Plushenko, and Evgenia Medvedeva.

"Oh my gosh. It's the shibsibs, Shoma-san, Evgeni Plushenko, and Evgenia" I said while closing my face because I was very shy

"So here's where the both of you were" Alex said

"Everyone is waiting for the both of you" Evgeni Plushenko said

"Yuzu-san, kanojo wa dare?" Shoma asked while going over to Yuzu

"Ahh, kanojo wa fan desu" Yuzu said to Shoma

"Who?" Evgenia asked

"She's a fan. She's very cute and shy" Javi explained

"Oh, hello there. I'm Maia Shibutani" Maia said

"Hello, and I know. I've watched all of your performances. Each of you have a different yet amazing style of skating, it's very intriguing" I said

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now