Shoma x Reader

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Hello everyone, just a quick note, a new chapter will be up very soon and I got a request for a one-shot of Shoma. Hope that you all understand :D Whilst this is the final week of my semester and my assignments are basically done, I decided to just write and while I thought of how the story is going to go. Alright, here you are MissEzii. This is my interpretation of the plot that you came up with.

Your POV

Pain, hurt, sorrow. That's the feeling I've felt ever since my parents told me that one of us, me or my sister had to marry one of the kids of the Uno family. I had no idea why we have to do it. However, my family decided to appoint my sister to marry. However, when I saw how heartbroken my sister was as she already had someone that she likes, I decided to volunteer to be the one to marry. At first, my family were in shock that I wanted to do the arrange marriage on my own despite being just 18 years old. But, because I had already offered myself and we had word that the Uno family also already appointed one of their son's, in the end, I was the one that married. I remember it clearly that day. The day where I met the son of the Uno family that I marry. He seemed just as young as I was, looks to be in his twenties at the very least. Once the whole ceremony was over, the two of us looked so confused to as what we were supposed to do. Both our families told us that from that day on, the two of us will have to live together, help one another. Both our faces immediately grew red very quickly and shock. The boy who I married called Shoma wanted to disagree and complaint but his parents quickly dismissed him.

Ever since that day, both Shoma and I moved in together. However, it didn't go as well as I had hoped. While yes we don't like the idea that we were forced into marriage, I wanted to at least get to know Shoma. If he can't see me as his wife nor I can see him as my husband just yet, I wanted that we could at least be friends. But, that plan backfired quite fast as Shoma would often be out of the house before I was even awake and comes back quite late. At first, I didn't think too much about it as it was still the beginning of our "relationship". However, day after day, night after night, Shoma seems to be more distant, harsher, tends to be more sensitive over the littlest things. I tried to pull myself together, make it seemed that I was strong and I can get through this situation. However, there was one night where I completely broke down. That night, Shoma had just gone back and immediately going into his room. I was about to knock his room door, asking if he wanted to eat or anything. However, I heard him talking to someone. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping but when he mentioned me, I had to know what was he talking about. Apparently, I heard that he was saying how I was the one that planned on marrying him. He said that he heard that I was the one that offered to marry him. He said that I must've done that to get something out of him because he was a well-known figure skater. He said that he an arranged marriage is already annoying enough but knowing someone offering themselves to marry, annoys him even more.

That was it. Once I heard that, I didn't dare to get near Shoma at all. I immediately went back to my own room and cried. I didn't want to tell my sister nor my family about it because Shoma was already suffering enough and my family might get the wrong idea and Shoma may even think that I'm a much worse person than he already thinks. Ever since that day, I didn't talk as much. I only talk to Shoma when I needed to. Even with my family and friends, I did not talk as much as I used to. Always answering the same answer to them that I was fine, I'm doing well, Shoma is also alright and all. However, I had to face other people aside from my family and friends as I was also a well-known model despite my young age. The days kept passing by and I tried my best to put on a strong face whenever I have to go to work and it wasn't until one night that changed everything.

That night, I had to do a fair few meetings and shoots all in one day that I eventually came home a bit late. That was the first time Shoma ever said anything other than important things to me. I came home a bit tired and apparently, Shoma was already home when I just came back. Shoma seemed a bit shock when I had just come back. He asked where have I been and how come I had just came home. I let out a sigh before telling him that I was working and had a long day of shoots and meetings which shocked the poor man again. I told him that I can make a quick dinner if he wants which he just shook his head saying that he has already eaten. I then gave him a small smile and nod before going to my room to take a long hot bath. As usual, I broke down while I was showering. Especially after having a long day of work, the news that I am married to Shoma seemed to spread a bit and there have been quite a few people talking how I'm only marrying Shoma for his fame and money to add to myself, how I always get things easy and all. It hurts so much that I didn't realise how long I broke down in the bathroom that when I came out of my bathroom with changed clothes, Shoma was already in my room. Sheez. My eyes and nose are still red from all the crying and sniffling. Here's to hoping that Shoma doesn't suspect anything at all.

"Ummm, Shoma? Is there something you need?" I asked softly

"Eto...I knocked on your door to ask whether you want to have some food or not since I had some leftovers. But you didn't answer so I decided to check if you were asleep or not. I...I heard you were crying in the bathroom. everything alright?" Shoma asked, shocking me in the process

"'s fine. Don't worry about me. I just had a long stressful day. That's all. Umm, is there something else you need Shoma?" I asked, trying to hold back the tears

"You don't have to lie. I know work. It's hard but it rarely makes you cry that hard. What's wrong?  I know I haven't been the nicest ever since we got married but I didn't think that it would make you cry" Shoma said, the tears in my eyes starting to fall

"Shoma...It's not really about you that much..." I tried to say but it seems that my voice was starting to crack that Shoma suddenly did something I never expected which he hugged me

" I tried to say but it seems that my voice was starting to crack that Shoma suddenly did something I never expected which he hugged me

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"I...I'm not good with these things but I had a call from both my brother and your sister. You know, the one that was supposed to marry was my brother and not me. It's because I'm an athlete that they chose my brother. But, I know that my brother still wants to do so much and that he already has someone that he likes so I decided that I would be the one that does it. Which I did and well, I didn't want to but I did it for my brother. At first, I only heard that you proposed yourself to marry either me or my brother and because I was still angry with the arranged marriage thing, I thought that you already knew who I was and that is the reason why you proposed to marry. However, I was talking with my brother and said that he found out that you did it for your sister as well. My brother had decided to go to your family and ask what kind of a person you are because I was quite frustrated and that I'm rarely home. When my brother found out that you proposed to marry for your sister's sake, he immediately called me and told me about it. I had no idea. I'm...I'm sorry" Shoma said as I felt his head fall downwards and my tears started to flood on its own

"All this time, you were trying to talk to me was an effort to get to know me whilst I thought it was just to get me to like you so you can use me or something like that. I should have tried to get to know you or at least know why you actually agreed with the arranged marriage. it too late to start over as maybe friends?" Shoma asked as we pulled away from the hug wiping the tears that were streaming down my face

"Hmmm, if that is really what you feel. I also didn't know that you were doing it for your brother. Maybe we have a lot more things in common than we thought" I said, giving a weak smile

"So...does this mean that we are friends now?" Shoma asked, giving me a small smile

"Hmm!! I hope to get to know more of you Shoma" I said, genuinely smiling

"And I to you too" Shoma said, giving a bigger smile

Hello!! I hope that this meets your expectation MissEzii. I'm sorry if this is cringy or is not that good. I tried my best and will still try to find ways to improve my writing. Anyways, this is just a quick one-shot and a new chapter will be uploaded in a few days. Alright, see you all in the next chapter :D

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now