Unexpected Visitors

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Your POV

It has been 3 months since I went to Japan and unexpectedly became friends with Yuzuru Hanyu. And since my meeting and exchanging line ID, the two of us became quite close. Yuzu taught me some Japanese, while I helped him with his English.

Once in a while, we apparently called each other, despite the 15-hour time difference. But the reason why we called is to improve our conversation in both Japanese and English. I'm very lucky that Yuzu wanted to call when I asked him.

The first time we called, we were both very awkward. But after a while, we finally felt comfortable talking to each other. It didn't even feel like I'm talking to a 2x Olympic champion. It felt like I was talking to a new friend that I just met and became friends with.

But today was different. Normally when I wake up in the morning, I would see Yuzu's line popping up on my screen. But today, there was no reply from him. He hasn't even read it, so I thought that he was very busy. Today, I still had to go to uni, so I grabbed my stuff and went to my university.

After I finished my uni, I then went back to the apartment that I'm staying. But just when I was going out of the university, the wind was so strong that the papers that I was holding flew off. Some fell to the ground but some flew a bit further. I took the papers that were close to me first then take the papers that are a bit further.

After taking the papers that were closer, I went over to take the papers that were a bit further but the wind started to blow again and blew the papers away. I chased the paper until I saw someone grabbed it. I then went over and catch my breath first before thanking the person that grabbed my paper.

When I looked up to see who grabbed it, I was shock to see that it was Yuzu. And he wasn't alone. He was with Boyang. I was so shock. Like, what are they doing here?? The new season is starting very soon and they should be training.

"Yu...Yuzu-san. What are you doing here?" I asked in shocked

"Came for a visit. Also, this must be yours" Yuzu said while handing my paper

"Oh, arigatougozaimasu Yuzu. A visit?? Hontoni desu?" I asked with a sarcastic tone and voice

"Ummm, hontoni desu (Y/N)-chan" Yuzu said nervously

"I know when you lie Yuzu, you can't fool me anymore" I said while pointing to Yuzu

"Hai, hai. Ok (Y/N)-chan. I'll tell you later" Yuzu said

"Hmph, fine. Ahh Boyang. 对不起 (dui bu qi = sorry),我还没介绍  (wo hai mei jie shao =I haven't introduce myself)" I said to Boyang

"Hmm? Ahh, 没关系吧 (mei guan xi ba= it's alright)。我先介绍吧(wo xian jie shao ba= I'll introduce myself first)。你好(ni hao= hi),我是金箔样 (wo shi jin bo yang= I'm Boyang Jin)。你可以叫我博洋还是天天也可以 (ni ke yi jiao wo Boyang hai shi tian tian= you can call me Boyang or Tian")" Boyang said to me

"好吧(hao ba= alright),我叫(Y/F/N) (wo jiao (Y/F/N)= My name is (Y/F/N))。你可以叫我(Y/N) (ni ke yi jiao wo (Y/n)= You can call me (Y/N))" I said to Boyang

"你的生日什么时候 ?(ni de sheng ri shen me shi hou?= when is your birthday?)"Boyang asked

"我的生日是(Y/B/D) (wo de sheng ri shi (Y/B/D)= My birthday is (Y/B/D))" I answered

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now