Back to Reality

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Your P.O.V

For the past 2-3 days, I have been staying in the hospital with both Yuzu and Boyang taking care of me but because Boyang came here with the China team, he had to leave first along with all the other athletes the day before I was allowed to check out of the hospital and go home which was today. Since I got into an accident and then all the drama about that skater hurting me and my condition worsen, I was given a special consideration to go home later than all the other Indonesian athletes and the government paid for my new plane ticket and everything else except for the treatment since the Japanese government said that they will pay it which by now, I'm not that shock since I'm sure Yuzu must've had something to do with that. For the past few days, besides resting, I also have been training to get back on my two feet even if I still can't run but at least now I am able to walk without almost falling every now and then.

Today, I got up around 7 in the morning and showered. Ever since I was able to walk which was yesterday (lol) and Yuzu being the busy man he is, he stopped staying over since last night which was sad since we normally talk or do something together during the evening-night time. Though, Yuzu did say that I can call him or text him whenever I need him or if I need him to get me anything. However, Yuzu said that he will come over today to help me with my stuff and go to the airport. After I showered and gotten ready, I made sure that all of my stuff is organized in my luggages, pack and ready. Whilst making sure everything is all packed, there was a knock on the door which no surprise it was Yuzu and he brought some fresh bread with some milk. Yuzu then handed me the food that he bought and then helped me finish packing and talk to the doctors while I stay in my room and eat the food that Yuzu got me. A while later, Yuzu then went into my room and said that I am finally free to go.

"So, you ready to head out of the hospital after quite a long time being stuck here and only able to walk around in here?" Yuzu asked, getting my luggages

"It has been quite a long time. I'm nervous at the same time excited. Are there any crowd downstairs?" I asked, holding onto the pooh doll tightly

"There are quite a few. That's why we'll be using the back lift that heads straight to the car park so it'll be safer from you. Sorry that you won't be able to actually go out and smell the fresh air until you arrive at the airport. Oh, and here's your ticket and everything" Yuzu said, handing me my ticket, ID and everything else

"Arigatou Yuzu. Alright, let's go then" I said, a bit excited while pulling the small luggage as Yuzu took my bigger luggage

As we made our way outside of the room, I then greeted the doctors and nurses who have helped me these past few days in the hospital and thanked them for everything they've done for me despite being from a different country. Both Yuzu and I then made our way to the back lift and headed straight to the car park. At the car park, there was a big black car and a few men waiting for us apparently. Yuzu then said that since I'm still not 100% in shape, he asked a few people to accompany me to the airport with him. We then put my stuff at the back of the car, went into the car and head straight to the airport.

During the car ride, Yuzu asked if I had everything I needed like my passport, plane ticket, ID, wallet, phone, laptop, etc. Which I said that yes, I do have everything and worst case scenario if I forgot something (not my passport, ID, ticket nor phone) I can always ask him to get it for me and ship it to me which Yuzu give me to annoyed look at started to mess my hair up. Yuzu also ask if I was completely alright now, mentally and not just physically and if I was going to finish my studies in Canada or back in Malaysia to which I told him that I am alright, mentally and I do want to finish my studies in Canada however my university only allowed me to exchange for one year and since this is the final semester and I'm still under my current university, I have to finish it at that university. Whether it being in Malaysia or in the main campus in Australia which Yuzu said that he could get some paperwork done for me to be able to finish my study in Canada while doing rehabilitation and training to which I said that I'll think about it and let him know by the end of the week since I only had 2 weeks of break left before going back to my studies.

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now