Final Author's Note

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Hello everyone. As promised, I will be doing one more final author's note and this is filled with my original ideas for the story, what parts were very spontaneous, some ideas that unfortunately did not make it to the final cut and all. So without further of do, the main behind the idea of this story was when I was writing 1945, the first fanfic and Yuzu fanfic that I posted on Wattpad. If any of you didn't know, in 2018, around the beginning of March which was around 2 weeks after the Olympics, the Olympic channel posted Yuzu's SEIMEI program and I used to be into figure skating (thx queen Yuna) but didn't really follow the sport until I watched Yuzu's SEIMEI program. Because of that, I became intrigued to find more about him and shortly became a fan. That time was also during my final exams of high school and I remember that I was just sitting during the exam because I basically gave up on the exam (don't follow me kids) and yes, before someone asks, I am Indonesian and we had a history where the Japanese invaded and tortured us back in 1942 till 1945 (amazing I still remember) and I was like...Yuzu is Japun, so why don't I do it. Whilst finishing up with the 1945 fanfic, I already had an idea that I wanted to do a figure skating related story about Yuzu and it was during the holidays (before going to uni) that I had a dream about Beijing 2022. That was what sparked my brain to do a story about Yuzu but figure skating related.

Now, unfortunately, the dream that I had did not end up in this story because I feel that it was just come out of nowhere and I couldn't just think of the conclusion. So, what happened in my dream was that I was Shoma, Boyang and Yuzu's friend or translator, something like that and that day was their off-day plus my mom called me the night before, asking me to buy her some things from Beijing. So, I asked Shoma to accompanied me and we head to this huge mall (dunno if it exists, maybe when I go to Beijing one day, I will try to confirm ahahaha) then we went to this shop that my mom told me to go and was looking around. That is until I saw this old guy eyeing me throughout the whole time. I then ignored it at first but this old guy just won't stop and kept coming closer until I was grabbing a piece of clothing but he held my hand and gripped my arm despite me telling him to let go and I tried to kick him but for an old guy, he was able to dodge my kick. I then cried out for Shoma which suddenly Shoma appeared like a badass and confronted the old guy, picking a fight with him, causing security to come and confronted both of them and questioned me. However, being the crybaby I am (despite trying to look tough), I kept crying while trying to tell them that Shoma eventually told me to go to the bathroom and call either Yuzu or Boyang which I told security and left, running to the toilet whilst trying to call Yuzu first but he completely ignored my call :') Thankfully, when I reached the bathroom, Boyang answered, I told him everything and he said that he and Yuzu will come in an hour then, unfortunately, my brother woke me up. But yea, this dream was the one that sparked the idea to create a story about Yuzu and the others. Also, I did not forget this dream at all. Which is why there are some chapters where the reader aka you guys are in trouble. Feel like there should be some suspension since Yuzu is pretty well-known.

Now, onto the weird-ass chapters that I spontaneously make. One of them is "The Unfortunate Event". This chapter was a bit inspired by a guy on my campus that I found out is secretly stalking and harassing a few girls. But yea, I'm so sorry if it triggered any of you and I hope that none of you have to experience something so bad or meet anyone like that. I feel like I have never like truly hated a person until I found out about this incident and I feel that it should be made more aware and not considered lightly. I'm still a bit upset that my campus did not kick him out or something because there was not enough evidence. But I hope you all are doing well. Sorry it got too deep and dark. However, another spontaneous thing I did was probably about Nathan having a crush on the reader so it's sorta like a love triangle. If I'm going to be honest, I never really like love triangles between like 2 guys that I know because it hurts me despite it being just a story. I dunno, I'm just way too into stories like that. But it was definitely unexpected but it felt right at the time. As for the "Asian Winter Games" event, I had this idea when I was doing a Tom Holland fanfic that involves Yuzu as well which I unpublished because it didn't feel right at all. Also, many of you commented on how it's so similar to the Tonya incident which I swear, I did not notice it at the time of writing that arc ehehehe.

Alright, finally, I would like to talk about the flow of the story, my writing and the ending. I didn't want anything too cheesy and cringy. Which is why this story is damn long and very inconsistent with the number of words there are per chapter. There are a few that have only like 2000ish words while there are 2-3 chapters (if I'm not mistaken) have like 10k words. I know, I'm crazy. But, it just feels right with the flow and if I cut somewhere in between or forcefully extend some, it's just like, why?? I dunno, I'm very harsh on myself and still am learning. So, I hope that cleared why there are different numbers of words within each chapter. Also about the arcs like the World Championships, Asian Winter Games and Olympics, each of them are very different because the main idea for each arc is completely different. Which is why the World Championships arc is a bit more chill and layback because (Y/N) is still recovering from that trauma while the Asian Winter Games sets (Y/N)'s "comeback" to the figure skating stage and the Olympics is where many are ending their competitive careers along with the ending of the story. As for my writing. As you can tell, the earlier chapters are a bit less and the paragraph length is very inconsistent whilst the newer ones are longer and more I guess, "done" in a way. I'd like to say that this is the effect of my studies because I am a comms major and we write tons of essays, research, etc. The beginning of the story was from back in 2018 which is why my writing and grammar is worse than the newer ones and I'm just lazy to edit them because I'd like to think of it as a journey like (Y/N) in the story. How I used to write vs the current ones. Some scenes are also effected by screen studies because I now am a bit more critical with scenes that are presented and I really want to present them as best as I would imagine them. 

Finally, for the ending, ehehehe, feel free to bash out, sue me, release your anger and everything because I did think of getting both Yuzu and (Y/N) to be completely official but when I was writing the final 3 chapters when Yuzu FINALLY confessed till the end, I feel it's a bit unrealistic. Because if you think about it, (Y/N)'s career as a figure skater has finally begun whilst Yuzu's is coming to an end. All the events that happened between the two? They both had their ups and downs and we should also remember that (Y/N) was a fan at the very beginning so I feel that if the two of them officially got together then and there, it seems too rushed and unrealistic because in real-life (not speaking from experience because fun fact, I hv never dated in my life, till now and I am only speaking from seeing many films, real-life events and fanfics I've read) while many would love to directly date celebs they admire, they should also take into account why they want to date those celebs. So yea, I guess that's all the explanations I wanted to give about this story and well, the next "chapter" will be a thank you "chapter", face reveal and maybe what I want to write in the future along with ideas from you guys. That's all for this final author's note :)xoxo Vinet

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