Thank You

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Hello everyone. It is I, author-chan. I have come back one last time (for this story at least) to post a thank you note and what I'm planning to do next. Also and idea for maybe a sequel or a little "filler" of what happened between Beijing 2022 and Worlds. It's just an idea but here goes the thank you note first. Just a little heads up, I'm sorry if it's going to be quite long, cheesy or cringy. I also wanna first apologise if this story did not meet your expectation when you first read it. As I said in the final author's note (if I'm not mistaken, if I haven't then I'm sorry because I don't remember much) that I wrote this story with the flow. Meaning, I haven't really planned out everything beforehand and just go with the flow. That is why it's a bit all over the place. I'm also sorry for the shitty grammar and the terrible update schedule. I prefer not to write if I don't have any inspiration rather than forced myself to write and it ended up being crap. That is why it took 2 years to finish this story. I know, crazy af. However, I am proud that I didn't give up on this story like I did with many older stories (the ones I wrote in my notebook back in junior high - high school).

Alright, finally got that out of my chest. Now, first and foremost, I'd like to say thank you to my friends. I literally have no idea if they are reading this or not but if they are (one day), you know who you are and I'd like to say thank you to you for supporting me and encouraging me to post my story on Wattpad. Telling me that I can do it and that there are people that are bound to find my story enjoyable. I next want to say thank you to you, the readers. Thank you guys for the amount of support you have shown. Whether it is from your votes, your comments, adding it to your library or even just reading silently. I truly don't mind it at all. I, myself am sometimes a silent reader so I completely understand why you guys prefer to read silently and not show whether you read through everything or not. But if you guys did read all the way from the first chapter till now, thank you so much for staying, patiently waiting and all. Thank you for choosing this story to read and I'm so happy to be able to talk to many of you through this story. It truly means a lot to me. Any comments (as long as it's not offensive to anyone) are welcome. Feel free to put your suggestions and opinions about my story and correct my grammar and all. Do know that I wrote this story in the span of 2 years so I'm sure there are quite a few things that have changed throughout writing this story. 

Anywho, I think it's safe to say that this story if officially OVER!! For those who are asking if I'll be making a sequel to this story or any other stories, I honestly am not sure at all. I'm currently writing in my NEW notebook (yes, big applause). It has been a lil over 2 years since I wrote in a notebook and recently, thanks to a dream (hahaha Cai XuKun, I'm looking at you boi), I have decided to just jot my ideas/dreams into this new notebook with a note (hahaha, see what I did there?) that it's alright to just put random ideas/dreams into it even if I haven't finished the previous ones. I decided to get this new notebook just for that purpose and keep in mind that I'm not writing a full-on complete story. My friend also said that it's alright to not finish those ideas as I may re-use those ideas/scenes and compile them into one story one day which definitely changed my mind on writing. I also have found several encouraging quotes from Pinterest like 

"If a book you want to read hasn't been written yet, then you must write it" (Toni Morrison)

"I think new writers are too worried that it has already been said before. Sure it has, but not by YOU" (Asha Dornfest)

"You may not write well everyday, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page" (Jodi Picoult)

"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great" (les brown)

These are just several quotes I have found on Pinterest and honestly, it hits me hard. Every time I watch a good film/series or read an amazing book with a well-done plot twist, I feel a bit discouraged and feel that my ideas are not good enough. Not everyone wants to read it, etc. But those quotes help me realise that while there are many similar plots, similar stories and all, they are written by different people and each person have their own style of writing. Like, if you like these 2 fandoms, feel free to write them together. You never know, maybe someone out there likes those 2 fandoms just like you. It's also alright to not publish your stories. Though I feel that at least, have 1 person you trust to review them and give you feedback. I hope that to those who feel unmotivated, discouraged can get back up and just go for it. There is obviously no right or wrong in stories. You can write something so realistically or even something way out of this world and it's still a story. Whether it's a fanfic, spin-off or an original story, a story is still a story. I'd like to think fanfics as you "borrowing" real-life people within your story. So yea...

Also, one last thing before I finally put the completed button on. As I said, I'm writing an idea/thoughts of a dream I had (again, Cai XuKun, I'm looking at you) and I'm sorta relating it back to Yuzu/Beijing 2022. So, if you guys would like for me to post that as a "sub-filler" for this story, let me know. It takes place between Beijing 2022 and Worlds. Basically right after Beijing. To those who are wondering who da heck is Cai XuKun. He is a Chinese idol (?, correct me if I'm wrong). He took part in a show called "Idol Producer" back in 2018, debuted with 8 other SMOKIN HOT (and cute) guys. He is the center of the group and was ranked number 1 throughout the series (if I'm not mistaken). He recently became a mentor/PD in the season 3 of Idol Producer called "Youth with You season 2" along with LISA (Blackpink).  However, unfortunately, the 9 boys (Ninepercent = the group name) disbanded sometime last year (I think) but they are all so cute, adorable and hilarious. Feel free to watch them. (Quick note: watch their performance of mack daddy and you will die. Ya know what, I'll put the link right below here)

Alright, I think that covers everything I want to say because I have also already said quite a few in the last Author's note. So, thank you all again for reading this story and showing your support. If you guys do want me to do that "filler", please let me know. Comment down below (wow I sound like those YouTubers, no offence) and if you guys want one-shots of figure skaters, feel free to ask me as well. You can ask here on my Wattpad or even on my Tumblr. If you want to talk to me personally, you can message me through Wattpad (though do know that I won't be on Wattpad that often anymore) or through my Instagram. Alrighty now, it's time to say goodbye to this story and finally turn that completed button on. Thank you all once again and love you all :) xoxo Vinet

Instagram:  @vinettalidya

Tumblr: username is peanutpinet

Also if you like my work, do support me by buying me a ko-fi:


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