What's Happening?

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Your POV

After Yuzu got off the phone call with his manager, I knew that he was for sure going to compete. Not for his sake but for Shoma and his country's sake. But can anyone really blame him? Plus, it's Yuzu. Not to look down on all the other skaters in the Asian Winter Games but they don't really have a shot of beating him. Other than Boyang that is. I then looked at him and he asked where is my SEIMEI costume to which after looking at his expression, I pointed towards one of my luggage and he went to find the costume. After he found it, I asked whether he is really going to compete or not to which he frowned and said that he was sorry and that it was all so sudden but I immediately cut him off with an answer that I'm sure he was not expecting which was supporting him to compete. I also told him that I completely understand to why he would compete. Yuzu then said he promise to be back as soon as possible and I told him just to take care and not be reckless. I also then help him modify the costume back to the way it was before since it wasn't mine and it was actually Yuzu's old SEIMEI costume. After modifying, I told him to try it on first and when he came out, the memory of watching his Olympic SEIMEI came and I was smiling like a typical fan would. Yuzu then said that it fits perfectly and that there was no need to pin or sew anything else in place. Yuzu then told me that no matter what, if anything happens, he told me to just call him to which I told him that everything will be alright and asked him to bring me back some mochi which he just giggled and said that he will. After making sure one last time, we finally said our goodbyes and Yuzu went out.

Around 30ish minutes after Yuzu left, the cameras were all on Yuzu when I looked at the TV. The way he walks, his face, expression and everything really reminds me when he was at PyeongChang for the 2018 Winter Olympics which part of me was a bit scared since knowing that he was able to compete meaning that must've made a deal with the ISU. A deal that I'm sure will put Yuzu quite at a risk if he doesn't skate clean which the ISU for sure will not resist whatsoever. A few mintues later, after Boyang's score came out, the announcer then announced Yuzu's name which the crowd immediately went wild as Yuzu skated around for a few seconds and did his usual routine before finally heading for the center of the rink as his starting point and the crowd immediately went silent. A few seconds later, we can all hear the breathing from the SEIMEI soundtrack that Yuzu put together and it means the program is about to start.

As Yuzu start, he seems like he was preparing for a quad axel which made me worry so much but of course, being the master of axel and have landed this jump a numerous time during practice, he landed it smoothly. The next jump seems like it was going to be the 4lz which he landed it smoothly just like the 4A. And as I remember, the 3rd jump of this program is the 3F which he didn't change and landed it as well. After the 3 jumping passes, he then moved on to 2 combination spins. After both his spins were completed, it was the iconic SEIMEI stsq. I remember just like it was yesterday when the Olympic channel uploaded this program on youtube and it was the first program I watch of Yuzu. But unlike his Olympic, this was 4 minutes. Meaning that some part of the program is cut off which is why I see Yuzu not really taking a small 'break' like he did in his Olympic program. Instead, he immediately went for a combo jump which was a 4S+3T combination and then a 4T+euler+3F combination. Which honestly, not gonna lie, is making my heart beat faster because I'm so worried that something bad is going to happen because so far everything is fine. But then Yuzu went for a 3A+3Lo combo which no one, not even he has done it before and thankfully, he landed it anyways. The final jump was supposed to be a 3Lz but apparently Yuzu changed it into another 3A and landed. After all the jumping passes were done, it was his signature flying change foot combo spin and then the iconic choreo sequence which I memorised and finally, his final combo spin and bam!! His final pose then the crowd went wild.

After he ended his program, he kneeled on the ice for a few seconds, trying to catch his breath before standing back up to bow to the crowds and to the judges which he put a little smirk to. Might gonna have a word with him afterwards about that. Yuzu then went back to the boarders and coach Ghislain was there since he accompanied Boyang before. Coach Ghislain then hugged Yuzu and gave him his blade guards as well as his jacket then the both of them made their way to the kiss & cry area. While waiting for the scores, they played the replay of some of the elements. After the replay was over, we were waiting for the scores to be announce and I was praying so that Yuzu would get the score he deserves. Once the scores were announced, everyone went wild as Yuzu went over the 200 barrier despite not being so high like his Hope & Legacy program at Worlds 2017 but nonetheless, he did amazing and won the competition overall.

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now