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Your POV

The next few days were nice, I was able to catch up with Nathan as we went out the whole day together, went sightseeing, eat dim sum, and took pictures as well. After a day with Nathan, I spent my time with the TCC gang. Though Yuzu said that he didn't want to join so it was just me, Zhenya, Boyang, Jason and Jun. The five of us went to parks, museums, sightseeing and a bit of shopping before we made our way back to the hotel and met Yuzu in the hallway. I then offered him some snacks that I bought but he said that he'll pass and immediately went to his room. I thought that maybe Yuzu was just tired after the whole competition and everything so I went back to my room and actually started to pack to go back home for Christmas and new years.

After the whole GPF, we all went back home and I said goodbye to everyone though Yuzu still seemed to be in a bad mood so I didn't want to press anything to him and just said my goodbyes, went home to spend Christmas and new years with my family and friends, not forgetting to practise whilst I'm back home whether it being off-ice or on ice with my friends. And yes, it is a bit unfair as I was with my friend and I sometimes would run off to practise my jumps or sometimes my friends would request seeing my spins or even my program which I didn't mind at all as it was for practice as well. Once the break was over, it was actually time to practise seriously and get ready for 4CC that was right around the corner. Not long after, it was time to head for 4CC. Because 4CC is for non-European athletes, the only people I won't be meeting was Zhenya and the Russians. Basically, meeting all the boys.

The first day of 4CC was just getting to the hotel, checking in, getting all the paperwork done and it was time for the first practise of the competition which was an unofficial practice. For 4CC, there was Rika, Kaori, Wakaba from Japan. Young You and Eunsoo from Korea, Alysa, Mariah and Bradie. It was a tough fight to be in the top 10 as Rika, Wakaba, Young You and Alysa all have 3As planned while the others are basically strong in PCS. Everything was going well in practice except for a few jumps I pop here and there, during the actual run-through, it went well. After practise, I decided to go back for a while as later in the evening, there was the mens unofficial practise and I wanted to watch the practice as throughout the gp assignments, I was too focused on my own practise that I didn't consider on watching the other practices. During the men's practise, it was the final group which consists of Yuzu, Nathan, Jason, Boyang, Jun and Shoma. Throughout the practise, basically all 4 men from TCC were all doing warm-up strokings together before they do their own practises. It was awesome to see these guys jumping quads here and there. Although, Yuzu specifically wasn't doing so well and it worries me quite a bit.

Yuzu has been trying to land his 4A but can't seem to hang on and would often step out of the jump while Nathan's 3A has become very consistent just like Jason with his 4T and 4S as well as Jun with 4S then Boyang with his 4Lzs. It hurts me quite a bit seeing how much Yuzu is pushing himself very hard even when his coaches keep telling him not to push himself and just relax for a bit but knowing Yuzu's stubborn head, he wouldn't take it easy. Not when he has won 4CC the past 2 years, earning the golden super slam title. He's defending his title and all of his big competitors for the title and most likely for the Olympics are in the last group along with him. During the run-through for the short program, Yuzu seemed like almost over rotates the 4Lz and had quite a fall before continuing his program with the back counter 3A and then is 4T+3T combo then 2 spins before the stsq and his final combo spin. After practice was over, I went backstage, hoping to meet up with the boys. I was able to meet up with Boyang and Jun but when Jason came, he seemed a bit surprised.

"(Y/N)...what are you doing here?" Jason asked

"Well, I came to see you all after practice. Where's Yuzu?" I asked, everyone, seemed nervous and stiff all of a sudden

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now