Let the Olympics, Commence

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Your POV

It was the day of the first practice for the Olympics. The opening ceremony of the Olympics was incredible, we took lots of pictures, watched a few other competitions as figure skating was not until a week after the opening ceremony. However, it was now 5 days prior to the short program and was the first day of unofficial practice. Because of my performance in the GPF and 4CC, I was placed in the last group with Rika, Zhenya, Alena, Alysa and Kamila. This group would be very intimidating but they were all sweet and very supportive of one another. Throughout practice, whenever it was someone's turn to do the rundown of their program, the others would either go to the side for a bit or would practice the other side of the person's rundown and even when they are done with their rundown or even did their jumps, the others would clap as well. As for me, the triple axel has been good and I managed to land all my jumps just a slight mistake in the stsq and combination on the 3A. I got some advice from Javi then practice a bit more until they said that practice was over.

After practice, we all bowed to the crowd who were there then both Zhenya and I talked a bit as we went back to the borders to cool down and prepare to head back to the Olympic village to rest. However, both me and Zhenya decided to head back for a bit before going out again as the both of us wanted to watch the other competitions of other disciplines because we didn't really want to stay back in our room and have no idea what we want to do. Also, mainly because Zhenya said that during her first Olympic, she was too focussed on the short program, the team event and such that she didn't really have time to explore nor watch the other disciplines. Likewise, Zhenya also said that it'd be good for my mental health. To help clear out my thoughts, enjoy the moment and maybe gain some motivation as the ones competing in the Olympics are all incredible athletes and none should be overlooked. Zhenya then told me to also invite Savika to join along which I texted her and she said that she'd love to join me and Zhenya to go watch the other disciplines.

Once we've showered and gotten ready, the three of us then met up and decided to watch the speed skating because that was the one that we could watch because it wasn't that long since the next day was the team event and despite Zhenya was not chosen to compete, she still had to be there. We then made our way to the arena of the speed skating event and made our way into the arena then find our seats before the actual competition begin. As time flies, the competition was over and it was basically time for dinner so, after a few pictures together, we made our way back to the dining area to have dinner together because who knows where the guys are since they probably just finished practice. After dinner, we then hung out a bit in the lounge before actually heading to bed because the next day was the team event. Both Savika and I parted ways with Zhenya and head back to our room.

The next day, Zhenya texted that the team event will be after lunchtime so we all had time to hang out during lunch. She also said that the guys would like to have lunch together before the team event which out of all of us, only Jason got to compete for the team event along with Nathan. After lunch, Zhenya, Jun, Jason and Nate had to ahead first. Zhenya said that the reason she had to standby was just in case if she had to perform because she is the alternate skater if something were to happen to Alena or Kamila. While the three of them went to the rink, the rest of us hung out a bit before making our way to the rink, getting some snacks to have whilst watching the event and finding our way to our seats which we managed to get the middle part of the arena but towards the back. During our way to our seats, there were fans who wanted signs, photos and many more. Mainly because we are athletes, Olympians and basically famous athletes (Boyang, Yuzu, and Javi). After finally getting seated, the event finally has begun with the ladies short and the ones competing were Alysa, Mariah from the US, Alena and Kamila from Russia, Rika and Wakaba from Japan, Young You from South Korea and many more.

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