A Deal or A Promise?

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Your POV

When Misha said the offer, everyone went silent while I was in shock. Part of me was like, this is a once in a lifetime offer. When else can someone offer you to be a translator and assistant of two of the most famous figure skaters while also being able to take skating lessons again. But the other part of me was like, I'm in uni. I just went into my 3rd semester. I can't back down now. My parents have already paid 3 semesters and my living so far. How are they going to react if I told them this offer???

"(Y/N)-chan, are you ok? Misha-san was only..." Yuzu said before I cut him off

"I have to go to the bathroom for a while, excuse me..." I said while rushing to the bathroom that's in my bedroom

"Wait, (Y/N)-chan" Yuzu said while getting up and tempting to grab me

But before you could grab my arm, I've already went to my room and rushed to the bathroom and locked the door. I then just sit on the toilet and rethink about the offer. I didn't even realise that Yuzu was knocking on the door the whole time.

"(Y/N)-chan, please open the door. At least talk to me" Yuzu said softly behind the door

"Please just let me be for a while Yuzu. I need time, this is all so fast. First you ask me to help you then I receive tons of negative news and now you want me to work for you also skate??All of this is too overwhelming to take in" I said with some frustration

"I understand (Y/N)-chan, please just come out and let's talk. Just you and me" Yuzu said

"How could you possibly understand? You've been doing this since you were young unlike me" I said while starting to tear up

"(Y/N)-chan?! Are you crying?? Open up, or I'm going to barge in" Yuzu said with a slightly concern but high tone

"Go ahead and barge in, you're paying for the brokern door!!" I shouted

"You know that I could do that easily, right?" Yuzu said sarcastically

"Are you for reals?! Being sarcastic at this kind of time??" I said while sniffling

"C'mon (Y/N)-chan, you gotta come out sooner or later" Yuzu said

"I choose later. Just let me be for now" I said

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you. I've tried the nice way. Oh your friend is back, guess I gotta tell her that you're not going to be staying here anymore" Yuzu said while starting to walk away form the door

"WAIT A MINUTE, I NEVER SAID THAT!!" I shouted while going out of the bathroom only to find Yuzu near the door

"Alright. Now, let's talk" Yuzu said while locking the door of my bedroom

"You tricked me!!" I said while walking back to the bathroom

Just when I was walking back to the bathroom, I felt a grip on my arm. It was Yuzu's hand. His grip is strong, as expected from a 2x Olympic Champion. But it's still quite shocking. Considering that he doesn't seem that buff.

"Yuzu, let go off me" I said softly

"No. Just talk to me (Y/N)-chan. I won't let go until you talk to me or at least..." Yuzu said but was quickly cut off because I went straight to hug him

"I don't know, everything just came so fast. I can't handle it..." I said while starting to cry on Yuzu's chest

"(Y/N)-chan...It's ok. Just cry it all out. Don't keep it in" Yuzu said while slowly patting my head and back

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now