A Team(?)

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Your POV

As the both of us step onto the ice, I remember the feeling, the cold air because the ice had just been cleaned and also mainly because it has been months since I've been on ice as I'm normally on ice before the Asian Winter Games. I was definitely in my own zone because I didn't realise that Javi had already called me many times. I was just admiring the atmosphere, the feeling of being back on ice when suddenly Javi was already at the other side of the rink and shout at me; immediately making me snap back to reality. I then just gave a weak smile as Javi motioned his hand for me to go near him which I did because I did not want Javi to do something that'll embarrass me anymore.

"Enjoying the atmosphere your highness?" Javi asked as I skated over to him

"Haha, very funny Javi. I was just...well you know. It has been quite a long time since I've been on ice which is ironic since before, I actually join TCC, I wasn't on ice for months heck even could be a year. Anyways, what were you saying?" I asked, innocently

"Let's get your body warm up and do some stroking before actually getting into today's lesson" Javi said, going for a head start as I started to follow him

For the past 15-20 minutes, Javi and I did some stroking that is normally done in TCC with the others but this time Javi said that this stroking he did with Yuzu during the Olympic practice which now makes me a bit emotional because I told him that Yuzu actually taught me this stroking as well when he first taught me skating. I told Javi that back then Yuzu would say that both him and Javi would normally skate this stroke together whenever they compete together which touches me very much. Javi then smiled and patted my head as he started skating away from me towards where they would play the music. I then skated towards him and Javi asked whose short program do I want to use to test out my skating which I told him that I want to either try Yuzu's chopin or Alena's departure lullaby program. Javi then told me that maybe Yuzu's chopin ballade is a bit too intense for me at the moment but I told him that I have somewhat memorised his program but I also did tell him that Alena's departure lullaby is also beautiful and I've never really tried it yet but I did have the program memorised.

With that Javi told me to go to the center and prepare for the starting position which I did without questioning him. As I was already at the center of the rink, I then proceed to the starting position and waited for the music to start. As the music starts, I also started the program as if it was competition. I remembered that Alena uses the 3A as her first jump but as I was about to go for the first jump, Javi said that no 3A just yet so then I went for the 2A which thankfully I did land I and proceed with the program. After the 2A, it was another jumping pass which I decided to do a 3F and landed it as well. The next elemet is the flying combination spin and then a few transitions and was the 3Lz+3T combination. I did the 3Lz well but unfortunately when I tried the 3T, the height was a bit higher than I remember and because I did a rippon, it was as if I was pulling myself up and the impact during the landing was harder to endure and I immediately stepped out of the jump and nearly fell but tried my best to stabilize. I then saw Javi about to come to me but I signalled him to wait for me to finish the program before anything which he just nods and I follow up with the stsq and once it was done then it was one final combination spin and final pose.

Once I was done with the program, I caught my breath first while Javi went over to me and patted my back, asking if I was alright because it seemed that after that combination jump and during the stsq, I was out of breath and seemed like I couldn't breathe. I told Javi that I'm alright and yes, I was out of breath but just for a moment. Javi then hit my head a bit by saying that if I was nearly out of breath then I should stop and take a break for a moment while I still can as I'm still in process of recovering which I just stick my tounge out saying that I'm alright and the more I train, the more I can go back to the way I was before the incident and just in time for the new season; well, the Olympic season to be exact.

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now