The Toronto Cricket Club

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Your POV

After nearly one and a half hour from the airport, we've finally made it to the hotel. Like Yuzu said, we used a secret entrance to get into the hotel. After getting our suitcases, we used a secret elevator up to our room. On the floor of our room, we finally met up with the rest of the TCC members. I was so nervous up to the point where I just froze. My hands were shaking; my mind wondering on its own while my eyes are towards Yuzu greeting his cricket club family. I didn't realise I was nervous until Yuzu introduced me to coach Brian. I then instantly came back to reality.

"Huh? What?? Oh, I'm so very sorry. I um...I'm (Y/FN). It''s an honour to meet you coach Brian" I said, shaking coach Brian's hand while shaking

"Oh no, the pleasure is all mine. I'm glad that Yuzu is finally able to meet new people and interact with other people other than the people he knew. I must also congratulate you for being in the team. We're happy to have you" coach Brian says

"I think I should be thanking you for allowing me to be part of the team" I said, slightly blushing in embarrassment

"That's nothing. I think you should be thanking Yuzu for that. But I'm pretty sure you have. Anyways, let me introduce you to the cricket club. Of course I heard that you've met coach Tracy and Boyang. This is JunHwan Cha, Jason Brown, and Evgenia Medvedva. And for once, almost all the cricket club is here" coach Brian says

As we were introducing ourselves, coach Brian told me that I'll be in the same room with Evgenia. Coach Brian said that both me and Yuzu can put all of our stuff first and grab the things we need then meet up at the dining area to have something to eat while we talk about the rules and everything. I then went with Evgenia to our room and put my stuff down. Evgenia then decided to start a conversation while I was somewhat unpacking.

"So, have you always been a fan of figure skating??" Evgenia asked

"Well, you can say that. I loved figure skating back when I was a like 9 years old. I even took a course but it didn't last long. Only for 3 years and then I stopped. But like around 2018, after the winter Olympics; when I discovered Yuzu, I fell in love with skating all over again" I explained

"That's amazing. Also, we've met at fantasy on ice right??" Evgenia asked, making sure

"Yes, yes we did. I thought you wouldn't remember me" I said

"Once you've taken off all of the outerwear, I started to remember. You were talking to Yuzu and Javi at that time, am I right?" Evgenia asked

"Yeap. All of you are very nice and kind. It's was truly an honour meeting all of you" I said, grabbing my stuff

"It's funny how just a few months ago you were fangirling and now look at you, being Yuzu and Boyang's assistant-translator. It's funny how this world works. But I'm looking forward to have you in our team" Evgenia said, smiling

"Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to working with all of you and seeing you all perform" I said, getting up

"Hey, why don't we exchange contacts. We can meet up when we have an empty slot in our schedule. We can go have lunch or dinner together, sight seeing, and also some shopping" Evgenia said with excitement and taking out her phone

"Yes!! I can't wait to go sight-seeing" I said, handing Evgenia my phone

"It's nice to finally have another girl in the team. Don't get me wrong, training with those guys are fun but it's nice to have another girl to be able to relate to" Evgenia says, handing my phone back after exchanging our contacts

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now