See You at Grand Prix

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Your POV

"Well, they say that you're grown up enough to make your own decision. Even though your mom sounds like she's quite worried. But they still say that it's your decision. Well, what do you say (Y/N)-chan?? Is it a deal or a promise??" Yuzu asked

And at that very moment, all I could do was just sit and let my mind wonder off. It's my first real adult decision which will decide how my future will be. Should I decline this offer and tell him that I'm not ready or should I just accept? But there's a part of me that's saying that I want to accept because it's Yuzu. What are the chances I can get this offer again??

"Hey, (Y/N)-chan?? Are you still with me??" Yuzu asked while shaking my body a bit

"Huh?? Oh yeah um Yuzu..." I said

"What is it (Y/N)-chan??" Yuzu asked

"I really do want to Yuzu, it's just that I...I umm..." I said before Yuzu suddenly cuts me off

"You're thinking that part of you is saying yes because it's me isn't it? Like because you're a fan and that this is a once in a lifetime chance, right?" Yuzu asked

"How did you..." and I was cut off by Yuzu again

"Of course I know. It's typical. But that's why I offered it to you" Yuzu said while patting my head and making me look at him

"Huh?? Wha?? What? Why??" I asked also now part blushing

"The fact that you're thinking about that and being honest to me. That's why I offered it to you. You know yourself pretty well. That's why I trust you, it's ok if you decline. It's also ok if you want to join partly because I offered. I can understand" Yuzu said while patting my head

"Are you sure about it? Now I feel very guilty" I said looking down

"Don't be. All I ask is just for an answer. I won't pressure you now. You can take your time. Let's get back out there shall we?? Everyone is probably worried about you" Yuzu said while getting up and grabbing my hand

"Yuzu, it's a promise" I said softly

"What??" Yuzu asked while looking back at me

"It's a promise. Well if it was a deal, it seems a bit too much like a business. But if it's a promise then I won't have to be pressured" I said while giving Yuzu a quick glance

"Hahaha, you are different, aren't you?? C'mon, let's go and tell the others" Yuzu said while pulling my hand softly

We then went out and I was immediately hugged by Boyang quite tightly that both Yuzu and Misha had to pull Boyang away from me.

"Ayyy, why did you pull me from my mei-mei" Boyang said to Misha

"You were hugging a bit too tightly" Misha said

"Anyways, so, what do you think (Y/N)?? About the offer??" coach Tracy asked

"Well, we talked about it and I decided to offer her something else" Yuzu said

"Really? What is it then Yuzu?" coach Tracy asked

"I told her that she can just try to be our translator and assistant during the grand prix season which is the exactly during her holiday. So, she can try it out before really joining in. I'll tell coach Brian and deal with all the ticket and other stuff" Yuzu said

"That is a good idea. Rather than immediately going to work without knowing anything yet. Hey (Y/N), have you seen an international competition live?" Misha asked

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now