Nationals pt. 1

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Your POV

For the past week, both Javi and I have been discussing about programs that we were going to do for the season and while I was already fixed on using Romeo and Juliet that was inspired by Alena Kostornaia's Romeo and Juliet, we still need to figure out for the short program though I did say that I wanted something more classical piece which it came down to either Chopin Ballade or Winter Wind. But for now, I was practicing Yuzu's chopin program as well as Alena's Romeo and Juliet program for nationals and only after nationals the both of us will come up with the exact program for the short program.

Today was the day of nationals and I am worried like heck. Even though the short program is later in 5 in the evening, I am still worried. The past 2 weeks of practise became intense as every day passes. We started off by practicing the jumps and spins that we planned for the program and after that we just started practicing the choreo of both programs. We always start by some warm up exercises off ice and then on ice. After the warm up, we then practise the short program for the first 2 hours and take a break for lunch and the ice coverage session. Once the ice coverage was done, Javi would always tell me to do a rundown of the short program once so he could review it. Afterwards, we would spend another 2 hours for the free program and before we end our session, one more rundown of the free program then Javi would review what we can improve the next day.

Thankfully, Javi didn't stress me out for practice. We just practice a normal 5 days in a week with me being able to choose whatever day those 5 days are. But the past 3 days of training were hard as I got even more nervous than before so I tend to pop some jumps here and there as well as fall out of character for the Romeo and Juliet program which Javi didn't get intense mad at all and more of encouraging me saying that everything will be alright. He kept on saying how I will get my confidence back. He said to not focus so much on the result and just focus on getting through each element as well as appreciate each element that I am able to get through in the program.

Well, when I woke up today, let's just say that there were many messages from my friends as well as those in the TCC. It was nice to wake up with all those sweet messages though I am still worried and nervous for the day. As I was scrolling and replying the messages I received, Yuzu suddenly called me which I immediately picked up, worrying that something might have happened to him but it was more of the other way around.

"So, (Y/N)-chan, it's your first real competition since the Asian Winter Games. Eh, you are wide awake right? It would be embarrassing if I called you and you're still half asleep as we are talking right now" Yuzu says

"Hahaha, I am wide awake Yuzu. Don't worry about it. And yes, it's the first competition since the Asian Winter games but for some reason I'm more nervous than when I was at the Asian Winter Games and that was my first ever competition!!" I said, sitting up on my bed and leaning against the wall

"Well, I can't blame you. Especially with your win in the Asian Winter Games, I'm sure that your nervous comes from you being afraid of not being able to deliver a wonderful program to the people who will come to see you. You're afraid to disappoint Javi, your parents and us if you fail. You're worried that if you don't do well, you will have to work harder for the free program and that will eventually stress you out more. Am I right?" Yuzu asked in his soft and calm tone

"You just took all the words out of my mind. I mean, who am I kidding? Since you trained here before the Asian Winter games, the girls have been getting better with their triples and quite a lot have even start with the 3F and 3Lz which is an amazing progress in a short amount but I am afraid because of the pressure. It won't be just my country that will be watching but many other. I mean, c'mon, I beat Rika for crying out loud. And tbh, I won against her because she failed her quads and I thankfully landed both my 3A but now, even though I'm not using the 3A just yet, I am still scared" I said, hugging onto my plushies

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