Asian Winter Games pt. 2

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Your POV

It was the day after the men's short program and the day of my free skate. For the men's short program, Shoma placed 1st while Boyang placed 2nd and 3rd was another Japanese skater. I had just gotten up from my sleep and proceed to shower, get ready, put on my training clothes, pack all the things I need for the competition and head downstairs to eat breakfast with the other skaters.

After breakfast, we all head toward the ice arena. Because I was in the last group, I did mostly off ice practice until it was my group's turn to skate. Once they called the last group for practice, I then changed to my skates and went towards the rink with Rika. Because this practice was before the actual 6-minute practice before the competition. Once we were done with practice, we were led backstage to change, do some touch-ups or add ons. Some even did some more off ice training while Rika and I just went to change to our costumes and did some touch-ups to our makeup along with hair. For the next hour, Rika and I were calming ourselves by playing some games, listening to some songs, doing off ice practice together and finally it was time for the last group which consist of me, Rika, Young Yoo, Yelim Kim, another Japanese skater and one Chinese skater.

The 6 of us then made our way to the rink and head inside for the 6-minute warm-up before we start the actual competition. As usual, I just do strokes first before actually doing jumps or a few spins here and there. Everything went well until the last minute of the warm-up. I was going to try the 3A before it was my turn to skate and just as I was about to take off, the Chinese skaters apparently was skating backwards and just turned around right when I was about to take off. So, to avoid, I skated on leg but unfortunately of of her skates hit my left leg and the both of us fell. For a brief second, everything went black, my mind was blank and all I could hear were people gasping. After blinking a few times, I finally came to my senses again and I even see Rika coming to help me get up. When I tried to get up, I immediately felt the pain on my left leg and what I saw was not a good sign. My left leg was dripping blood and Rika said that so is my nose. Rika and the medical team then helped me get back inside and I saw both Boyang and Shoma were waiting for me along with my "coach". Once I was inside the boarders, both Shoma and Boyang immediately helped support me that was struggling to just walk and get backstage for immediate treatment while the competition postponed since the ice is probably bloody now and they have to clean it up.

Whilst walking backstage, the pain on my left leg started to become harder to endure. Especially with all the blood that's dripping down my leg. After we've finally made our way backstage, Boyang helped me lay down while Shoma helped take off my skates and the medic team came to immediately clean up my wound. It pained a lot that I had to squeeze both Boyang and Shoma's hand. After the medic team helped clean up my wound and cover it up, my "coach" asked the medic team whether I can skate or not. While he was doing that, Shoma came over with his phone while saying that Yuzu's on the phone and he wants to talk to me which scares me a bit.

"Yuzu..." I said, softly, still sounding in pain

"(Y/N)-chan, where are you right now?!" Yuzu said, his tone seemed deeper and scarier yet full of worry

"I'm backstage, the medic team just helped clean up and cover my wound. Yuzu, I was going to ask..." I said, just when Yuzu immediately cuts me off as usual

"If you feel you can then you can compete. In all honesty, I really don't want you to compete because believe me, the pain is quite hard to endure. I saw what happened and my suggestion is to use painkillers and tape. Also, do not overdue the painkillers alright. And one more thing, the 3A, I'm begging you to not attempt it with your condition" Yuzu said, sounding very worried

" know that I need the points. And I know you're worried but like you said, it is my choice. But I'll promise you that if the pain becomes to much, I'll withdraw" I said, trying to convince Yuzu that I can do it

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