The Last Day of World Championships

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Your POV (Time skip after the ladies' free and ice dance's short)

Today was the last day of world championships. Well, excluding the gala and banquet the day after. Yesterday, the ladies' free was very intense and Rika came in first place. Followed by Alena in 2nd place and then Liza in 3rd place. Zhenya came in 4th place overall which wasn't so bad considering her rivals all have 3A. While over in ice dance, Papadakis/Cizeron were in 1st place which isn't a surprise at all. But today was what everyone anticipated the most; the men's free skate event. Well first was the free dance for the ice dancers and of course, Papadakis/Cizeron came in first. Now, it's finally time for the men's free skate.

Currently, I was backstage, at the training area with the TCC. Helping the boys practise a bit as well as handing them their things here and there. Not long after, one of the staff said that it was almost time for the last group's 6-minute warm up. I then helped get the boys' skates and put their other stuff in their suitcases. Today's off ice training was a lot more tense than during the short program because everyone is serious, there's almost to laughter at all except when Boyang fell of the yoga ball XD. After the boys have finished putting their skates on and tidying their suitcases, we then made our way to the ice arena.

Once we have arrived and go through the curtains, as usual, all eyes were on these guys. The last group of skaters for this year's worlds. After the staff opened the door to the rink, the boys then handed me their blade guards and I put them on the boards. The announcer then introduced all the skaters of the final group and then the skaters started their practise. After the 6-minute warm up, it was time for the actual last event of the competition. The one that started off was actually Nathan. Nathan was talking with his coach before actually being announce to skate. After talking with his coach, Nathan then nodded and apparently looked towards my side and smile at me which of course I smiled back and roughly said good luck to which I read his lips saying 'thank you' before he made his way to the center of the rink as I joined the boys backstage.

Despite it being a competition and might throw others off, Shoma and I decided to watch Nathan's program from backstage anyways. Seeing Nathan smile, skate like he's having fun brings a smile to my face. Despite his landing still being a bit stiff, Nathan did manage to skate clean till the end. Once Nathan has finished skating, it was Jun's turn. And then Nathan's score came out. And because freaking ISU is corrupted (LOL), Nathan did get a quite high score. With his free skate being 200ish points and overall was just a shy under 300 points. Because Nathan was now on the leaderboard, he was at the green room with 2 other skaters. And now it was Jun's turn.

Jun didn't skate that clean either unfortunately. And ended up being below Nathan. After Jun, it was Jason's turn. But unfortunately, Jason falls under Nathan as well since his quad sal was under-rotated. But he did quite well considering doing more quads this season. Next up was Boyang which I'm very excited for since he has been amazing this season. He got his 4lz back, components wise has been better from him, and he's just doing well in general. Boyang did very well for his free program and ended up getting a slight higher score than Nathan which was nearly 300 points. Next up was Shoma and last was Yuzu (of course, no surprise there). Shoma also skated clean (again, except for that floop) and earned his personal best for not just this season but ever since they applied the new system. A total score of 300 points. And finally, was the King of Ice himself, Yuzuru Hanyu.

Yuzu first started off his program with a 4lz which until this day, I have anxieties whenever he does the 4lz because I don't want what happened in NHK 2017 to happen again and when Yuzu landed his jump, I basically sigh in relief. But there were still many jumping passes to come. And one of them being the 4A. One by one, Yuzu execute all his elements until his 4A which he has only done once which was during GPF. I can see many people in the audience were like praying right when Yuzu was getting ready to do his 4A which he placed in the second half of the program. And being Yuzu, the master of axels, he landed his 4A and you can tell that the crowd went wild afterwards. Not long after the 4A, Yuzu finished his program with his signature combination spin that he does with just one leg (like the SEIMEI one).

Coincidence? More like Fate (Yuzuru Hanyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now