First Half of the Season

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Your POV

After that day, preparations for my first ever season as a legit figure skater has begun and boi was I wrong thinking that it wouldn't be as hard as when I re-learned many of the elements and the new ones as well. Because I am now a legit athlete, I train like how I would normally see Yuzu and the others train. I would wake up at around 6.30-8 am depending on the day then me and Zhenya would make a healthy breakfast like avocado toast with a smoothie or banana, almond butter on toast or even sometimes just a yoghurt parfait before we head to the cricket club and begin our training. We normally arrive at around 10 am and started to stretch, do some off-ice training to warm up our bodies before we went to the rink and do some stroking all together with everyone training that day.

After all the stroking and warm-up exercises, we all then went on our separate ways to train. Zhenya would normally go with coach Brian and Tracy while Yuzu basically already knows what he'll be training, Jun and Boyang would get instructions from coach Brian with Jason from coach Brian Ghislain and Tracy as he is still trying to perfect his quads and since I'm with Javi, I would rarely go to all of them and just went over to Javi. He would tell me what elements I need to improve that day and such. After around 3-4 hours of practising, each one of us would perform in front of everyone while the others step aside and watch then anyone can come over to the one that is performing and give advice or suggestions for the program. I was skating right after Zhenya so when she was doing her stsq, I went ahead to go to Javi to get some advice before performing to the others. Once Zhenya was done with her final combo spin, everyone clapped and I skated around before making my way to the center of the rink and took my place.

Once I took my place, I then did my starting position and waited for the music to start which both Javi and I decided that the music for my short program is Ysaye Violin Sonata no 3 "ballade". Once the music starts, it was a soft beginning which my movement followed along with the melody of the music. It was very soft and slowly build up which for my skating, I slowly build up to my opening jump which was the 3A. As the music starts to build up, so does my speed build-up and I immediately went into 2 combination spins. The first one being a flying combination spin and continued with a change foot combination spin and once I was done with the spin, the upbeat music returned to the soft music like the beginning and so is my transitions; though the soft music does have more build-up than the beginning so has my program becomes more dramatic and it was for the sudden 3F out of nowhere which I heard some were a bit shock. After the 3F, the music becomes faster which my speed follows as well and as the music builds up to the climax, I knew it was time for my combination jump, the 3Lz+3T combination which I landed on the beat then directly to my final spin before doing the intense stsq following the intense-dramatic music towards the end.

Once I finished my stsq, I immediately finished the whole program together with my final pose as everyone started to clap and then I bowed before went back to Javi while another skater went to start their program. When I went back to Javi, he gave me a big hug and told me that I did so well and he was proud. I told him that the last stsq was still hard as I tried my best to keep up till the end which Javi said that we'll work on it later. I then went to take a seat and catch my breath as suddenly Boyang and Zhenya went to me and told me how happy they were to see me finding my own style of skating. The two of them then talked with me some more before we all head back to the rink and do some cool-down stroking and then finished up training. Normally after training, some of us would head to dinner while some would head on home.

This typical routine of mine has been going for a good 2 months and then it was the Asian Open Trophy which both me and Jun attended. The both of us went with Javi and coach Ghislain as that is who Jun chose as he knew that coach Tracy is normally with Jason and Zhenya while coach Brian is with Yuzu, Zhenya and Boyang. The two of us arrived at the rink for the competition and since it was ladies first, I went to practise first and after all the ladies were done then it was the mens practise. The next day was the actual competition and thankfully, I am not going up against Rika because Rika was not assigned to this competition. The whole competition, thankfully went very well. I managed to seal my place in first place along with Jun in first place as well which was great for both of us considering it is the Olympic season and we want to get as good scores as possible so we can get a spot for the Olympics.

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