Chapter 5

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Singto sitting in his bed, still mesmerizing the meeting, its so surreal for him to be able involve again not only as crew but as the actor. Somehow without he realized, he miss it. He miss being in front the camera not at the back. The jitters is coming back and make him need to count until three for make sure everything is real.

Krist, yes Krist is the everything. Singto is happy, way too happy that he really want to shout to the world that he so grateful to get this chance.

The silent thinking stop when a soft knock of his door, its must be his father.

"Come in, Dad,"

His Father open the door and walk slowly toward Singto and sit beside him, "Hows the meeting,"

"It's great,"

"Hows everyone,"

"Positive, full of passion. I'm happy to be part of its,"

"Hows Krist?" the voice from his father show that this is the most important question from all.

"He's good, healthy, handsome as ever. He's good,"

"Hows Singto?" and this time the voice from his father show that this is the question that hold everything

"He's try to be good. He's trying to understand that everything come into place when its time although its not easy. But, he really trying his best,"

"I love you," the hug from his father always lifted everything that burdened from Singto's heart and mind but this time only half of its. Its ease his mind but not his heart, but its enough for Singto for now.

"I love you too, dad,"

The following weeks, is crazy for Singto, no time to think anything as the casting team already start on rolling for the process. Singto cant believe the numbers of people that came for auditioning, thousands of them.

At first he believe this is the power of Krist. Well, everyone off course want to be part production of good actor whom Krist one of them. Second, must be Baz the director, everybody know him not only from his movies, his awards but also his personality, truly philanthropist.

But, somehow he got it so wrong, because from the paper given by Tham just now. The form that given out by screening team got specific question "who attract you for auditioning", and the result 47% is for Singto.

"Everybody really eager about you, Singto," Tham said.

"Buy why?"

"Why not?"

"Its been 4 years, Tham,"

"So? It's a good thing right?"

"I just hope we will have awesome result,"

After 2 months of screening process, today they will make the decision from 3 candidates that will have the role of Madee. Two of them the current famous actress and one is new in the industry, even this is her first audition based on the profile.

"Madee is someone that not only able to save one but also push them to lowest level of their life. Madee is someone that not only able to cry for the sadness but also able to laugh for others misfortune. Madee is complicated not because she bipolar or any other mental condition, she's just someone that dont know about herself. She thought love is everything until she understand love is nothing, she thought she had everything while in the real she has nothing." Singto said as the candidates listen to him.

"I want you to act this with me," Singto give the paper. "The sentence is the same, i need to know how you deliver."

"Okay, we will start with 001, as others please wait outside. When 001 is done, 002 can enter and so on," Tham said as pointed to the door for the other two.

"When you are ready, 001,"

-Kiet Apatment, Living Room-

Kiet and Madee sitting in the couch.

Madee: I dont want to be a product of my family. I want become my own

Kiet: Years ago, we had a ceremony. My brother and I, a small goodbye to each other, as a token the world is not the right place

Madee: Seems you lost once, but i wont. We wont.

Kiet: I'm starting the dinner now.

Madee: I wont  leave you, ever.

"001 for me," Tham said.

"Well, no wonder. She is one of our top actress." Baz comment. "Sing, what do you think?"

"Actually, all of them deliver with different emotion. But, yeah, 001 is the best. Somehow when she make a gesture to look at the ceiling when deliver her line, then at that time I just saw Madee in her,"

"And that bold move for put her forehead on your back in the end. You really cant lie with the experience,"

"But, she's the oldest,"


"Yeah, she's like 34 this year. So, it will have a gap for like 5 years for you and Krist,"

"Well, the age never been put in the script and beside I think Pom will able to do her magic with the transformation," Baz said while laughing.

"You always give her something to fight, dont you?" Tham shake her head. "So, whats the decision?"

"Actually i also want to have 002 and 003 in the movie for other role,"

"How bout we bring to the boss, and lets see if he got the same opinion with us?"

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