Chapter 6

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"Why dont you sell it?"


"Its not i dont appreciate your  company, but talking about the cost saving,"

"What do you mean?"

The words stop from Mook mouth as she heard the notification from her phone, inform the delivery guy already arrived.

Like any other Saturday when Krist dont have work, he will stay at Mook's place. Its been like that around 3 years. At first Yui didnt agree but sometimes thing just need to be done in the desperate time. And staying at Mook's place in the weekend when Krist got his off day is one of its.

For the past 4 years, Krist can count for him to stay at his apartment and it never alone. Always got Gun, Off, TayNew (as these two like siamese twins, cannot be separate), or Fiat accompany him, even Nat whom Krist think it will not possible to close with him after that, but again he can be wrong. Nat is one of his good friend but Krist also know that Nat still in contact with Singto although Krist not sure whether that person will ask about Krist to Nat and Krist never ask and Nat never tell.

The apartment, Yui the only one who come and supervise every week for the cleaning service. Everything still the same. Theres one time Yui asked Krist for changing the decoration, have a different color to change the mood. Krist knew what the real meaning behind it, its not Krist hasnt try it, he did. 

Krist tried 2 times, once after got the news that he will be leaving in a week. Krist pull out all the things that related to Singto. Picture, clothes, accessories, shoes, books, games, even his old phone casing. It become a big pile in Krist living room, and half his place is empty, he almost not recognize the place until he saw his own picture on the shelf. Never realize one person become part his life and personal space until shown to you in face. So, that night, in silent Krist put back everything in place. It took until dawn to finish everything, because every time Krist saw an item, the memory from it just flown back in his head.

Second time, three months after Singto's gone. Krist was busy that ever, as the management somehow got him more work, it made Krist think nothing just work, not remember of anything beside to finish the job, show the professionalism. Of course, it affect his features, his health, but Krist never say anything until that day. After attended the radio as guest VJ, Yui drop Krist at his apartment and told him that Krist will have 2 days off.

Its already almost morning, it was 4 AM. Usually Krist just slept like 2 to 4  hours and get ready for Yui to pick him up to the next job. But this time, she wont.

Krist felt strange sitting on couch, staring the tv that show some rerun. On the left of the TV, it got picture of Krist and Singto taken by Tay from their last photo book session. If anyone ask what happened, whats the trigger, Krist cannot gave answer. Just suddenly he grabbed the picture with black frame (off course its black, because its Singto's choice. Singto got the same picture but the frame is gold because its Krist's choice), and trash it to the floor.

For a while he just stare the splinters of the glass, the frame was made from wood and it was broken into 3 pieces. Krist not realized, but tears just fall down from his eyes silently. That night Krist was broke down.

The next day, Krist went out to buy the frame, the same frame. Wood black frame. He put back the picture in the frame, but the different was the frame showed the picture face the wall. And its still like that until now.

"I dont know,"


"You asked why i dont sell it, right? I dont know,"

"Perhaps you dont want to?"

"Maybe," Krist give Mook a smile that Mook will group it as little sad smile.

"Think again, dont sell it, at least for now. Its in good location, keep it as investment" Mook nodded her head as she said, to give the assurance for her statement.

"Mek?" Krist asked with a laugh that follow by Mook.


"That brother of yours really something, I just dont get it why pick Humanities as his major. I mean he is good with numbers,"

"The life of racialism is the death of the humanism,"


"That Mek's every day quote,"


"No idea,"

"That's Mek,"

"But speaking the truth Krist, how was it seeing him again?"

"Still take my breath away," Krist answer while shipping his wine last drop.

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