Chapter 7

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"The workshop will be different, because most of you already well known and experienced in the field and the time length that already given for you to read and understand your character quite longer than usually," said Baz as he shipped his coffee. The positive vibrant can be felt by everyone in the room where they have their first meeting with the full cast and support.

"I already said this, but let me say it again. Thank you so much for give me the opportunity working with awesome people. Lets start get to know each one of us, so we can show the best not only for the viewer or our beloved producer so we wont have budget cut but also ourselves. Because i want all of you proud with the work we will do for the next 4 months and after that,"

"My name is Baz, I will become your most demanding person for the next 4 months. Please bare with me, thank you," Baz smile radiant the room accompany with applause. "Lets start the introduction from my right side."

Taew stand up and give her smile, "Hello everyone, I'm very honor to be part of this production, my name is Taew and I will take the role of Madee. Nice to meet all of you," she finished her introduction with a little bow to everyone in the room followed by the applause.

"Good morning, I'm Singto and I hope the shooting will went smoothly and I can give you Kiet," Singto smile and applause can be heard again.

"Hello, it might be a little confusion if everyone here call Singto and I with Sing, as my name is Sing too," Sing laugh a little followed by some.

"Oh, sorry for cutting," Baz interupted. "Starting from now, leave your real name, on starting today after the introduction, please just call each other with your role name, and with that no more confusion,"

"Ah, thank you director," Sing smile and bow. "Oh, my role is Preed, Kiet's brother. Thank you," 

The next introduction is the role of house hold of Madee, her father and mother, followed by Earth that will be acted as Lamon, Madee's fiancee. Finally it comes to the last 2 person that seat the opposite of Singto. Fern as Decha's personal assistant and best friend, Sirikat. Difrerent with Taew that her beauty show serene, as for Fern totally suit her role's name. Her beauty show the elegance of a queen.

After Fern sat down, Krist stand, he look around the room, give his best smile to each one of them. Without realize he skip Singto, directly smile to Baz. "Last not least here. Hi everyone, Krist will try to become Decha. Thank you," Krist give a bow before sat back.

The applause for Krist not yet town down, Baz standing and encourage everyone do the same. "I know I dont have experience with drama production, but we have a strong team here. So lets all of us give ourselves an applause. Lets have a big success!" 

Not only applause but also cheers from everyone, including Krist that smile earnestly. As it like the old habit that one said hard to die, his eyes looking for one person and he dont know how long Singto has looking at him, but even with they got eyes to eyes Singto not turning his gaze, still looking at Krist.

The staring stop from Krist side when he felt his shoulder got tapped, its Fern pointing by her eyes, asking him to pay attention as Tham took the mic.

"Okay, thank you everyone. Now let me inform some announcement. First, please dont leave yet. I need all of you gather for having a picture together and fitting process for Decha and Sirikat, as for the others you can check your schedule on your mobile. The second announcement, you will be quarantined, means starting workshop up until the shooting start you will stay in the same place. This matter already inform and agreed by each management, so please be prepare everything. The boss already rent a place, the further information already given to your manager," Tham said.

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