Chapter 8

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"Say it again," Krist is tired, he just finished his fitting. As a gentleman, he let Fern take the 1st turn, as that not really a wise one, because being Sirikit means she got way too many clothes. This drama like 12 episodes and most episode got Decha, and wheres Decha, theres Sirikit, and Sirikit is the person that never use same clothes.

Previous production, Krist always do the fitting by himself. So, he never wait for other and vise versa. The last time he done fitting with other was with Singto, and that also not taking long time because everything related to Singto, time surely fast.

Krist very tired, so he just wish for bed but some kind of twist, Yui just told him that the team make wrong arrangement about his accommodation, with another word Krist got no room. Going back to his home is not an option as by early morning they already start photoshoot for the poster and teaser, also Krist dont have the heart to let Yui drive, as she also as tired as he is.

Checking another hotel, well the boss surely think this before, to make sure people in one place, he choose place that far from nowhere and also no hotel nearby.

"Lets check the meeting room, the one we had meeting, available or not," Krist massage his temple, he really want to lay down and sleep. As the previous day, he got only 2 hour sleep due to the prolong photoshoot.


"For me to sleep there." Krist start drag his suitcase. "I mean, if they still got space,"

"Krist, sleep in my room," Yui said, following Krist.

"Yui, your share room with 2 others," 

Krist try to open the door of  the meeting room but its locked when he heard Jane's voice from behind. "What are you doing?"

"Going in for sleep," Krist answer. "But, no luck. Its lock,"

"Why you want to sleep there?"

"Got no room,"

"Yeah, theres a mishap," Yui told Jane what happened.

"Well, i cannot take you with me, like Yui, I also share with another 2,"

"Its okay, Jane. Can you check if they can open this room. I just want to lay down,"

"I can try, but Krist theres another way,"


"Jane!" Yui snapped. "Are you crazy?"

Krist already half dead, "What is it? At this time, I will accept to sleep wherever,"

"Share the room with Singto," Jane hold his breath after answering. 

Between pride, anger, versus tiredness plus sleepiness, Krist knew what to choose, as tomorrow he need to be on shape. "Okay,"


"Yes, okay,"

"Oh right, this way," Jane walk upfront after grabbing Krist's suitcase with Yui walk beside him, followed by Krist.

"Text Singto," Jane whisper to Yui.


To: Singto

Krist dont have a room. 

From: Singto

Jane got the key.

Jane open the door using his key, he put Krist's suitcase beside Singto's. Krist enter the room, he notice flowing water sound from the bathroom.


"There's food and snack in refrigerator. Good night and try not to kill each other," Jane said while put the key on the tv table, walk out to the door where Yui just waiting.

"Not tonight, too tired anyway," Krist open his shoes and walk to the nearest bed and drop his body.

Jane and Yui look back at Krist that seemingly already passed with his legs still half of the bed.

"Dont worry, someone will taking care Krist," Jane give a nudge to Yui.

"Well, he said he wont do it tonight, right?" Yui said, look at Jane closed the door. Jane give her a not so sure smile. Both of them just too tired.

Singto walked out from the bathroom, and almost put his clothes in the bed when he realize already occupied. Krist already in his deep sleep moment, so whatever happen Krist wont be woken.

Singto got back to the bathroom, making the clean tower half wet with warm water. Slowly he positioned Krist to the bed and open his shirt and pants, wipe the face, body, arms, legs. Putting him clean shirt and short. Singto still remember the last time he did this to Krist because its almost to non. Only that one time, when Krist got graduated and they got their private party, two of them with too many drinks, full of laughter and touch, more than touch. 

Potrait is Singto's favorite in photography, thats why he love to watch people. But, until Guy pointed that the way he watch people and watch Krist is different. Singto asked whats the different, because for Singto nothing is different. Guy laugh at him, pointed to his heart.

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