Act 6

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"Okay, just tell me. Do you like her?"

"What? No way,"

"Somehow if you said like that. Yes way,"

Kiet looked at his drink, been a months since he becoming friend with Decha. Decha is a decent guy, easy to talk. Well, mostly Decha do the talk as Kiet just listen which is different. Because usually its Kiet do the talking, as he's known as talking machine by his friends.

So, tonight Kiet got his off both from the cake store and restaurant. At first he want to enjoy his day with sleeping or perhaps bake some cake or cookies, but Decha found out and dragged him to this high end bar. Kiet even got a full make over, from head to toe. With Decha defense, I want to enjoy the night with friend not a waiter. 

If people heard this will asked Kiet why for not being offended, Maybe if it happened before, Decha will got more than a punch. But its the fact that Kiet is waiter, and Decha was not. So Kiet understand the change he need to have for accompany Decha to certain place. 

At first Kiet always reject the offer, but when it happen Decha will ask him about his choice. Whatever place Kiet choose, Decha always agree. Of course the place made Decha most of the time over dressed, as Decha usually picked up Kiet after his office hour. But lately, Decha stashed plain shirt inside his gym bag in his car, though still branded of course. Decha will change when its Kiet's turn of choice.

Thats why Kiet agree with the change that needed if they go by Decha's choice.

"I think you can win her,"

"You know she got fiancee,"

"Still not married yet,"

"He's the son of minister,"

"You got magic hand,"

"What do you mean?"

"Dont lie, all the limited cake is your creation,"

"How?" Kiet knew not to lie to Decha. He learn his lesson.

"Old Ohm's hand not stable like it used to, and before you said you only do the decoration. Let me tell you, I've been to the store since I was 15 so I knew the taste by heart,"

"She's rich,"

"So, its about money?" 

"Thats the truth,"

"I can give money, if you want," Decha said and laughed when Kiet choked on his soda. "But, I wont,"

"Ah, you still sober then,"

"Because money cannot make you get her, Kiet," 


"Yes, really,"

"What then?"



"Yes, you being you. Show her how yo become the real her,"

"What do you mean?"

"Madee always living in the shadow of her parents, although I think its still make her happy, but not fully. Do you understand?"


"So Madee is the only child, so everything already prepared. Usually that kind of people became a brat, but no Madee because she knew that her life is good, so she is good,"

"If she already knew, her life is good. What else I can offer,"

"Her life might be good, but not complete. Because until now, she's never knew the real of herself. And that only you who can give her,"

Kiet looked Decha, sometimes he just amazed with Decha. He able to say words that actually people know it but dont know how to say it, mostly because people is afraid on the affect after the words out. But not with Decha, he just say it, just like that.

"Dont wait until you will disappointed because actually you know you can have it but chose to do nothing because you are afraid," Decha finished his drink.

Kiet nodded. Kiet understand the chance is small, but still theres a chance. Specially Madee start to open with him, talking about her dream that not involving took over his family business but she afraid to make her mother sad, and Madee think that even though Lamon very gentle to her but never open with her.

Kiet frequent meeting with Madee was begin when Madee wanted him to teach her how to bake. Madee want to surprice Lamon for his birthday with angel cake because Lamon in Madee's eye surely like an angel. Somehow the surprise birthday party ended not so successful, although the cake is awesome (Decha ate half of its, as he told Kiet, of course Decha invited) but the birthday man not so fond of cake, which left as a decoration until Decha arrived to the party.

After that the lesson continue, the place also variant not only Madee's house, sometimes Kiet's apartment.

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