Act 3

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"What do you mean he's in coma? He's been fine," Kiet yelled at the doctor.

"I'm so sorry, sir. But, last night there's an accident,"

"What do you mean an accident?"

"Last night we receive a patient with mental condition and that patient attacked some people, including your brother. He got stabbed in the stomach," the doctor explained.

Kiet cannot came to hospital for the last 5 days because he is busy with his mother funeral arrangement. Within 5 days his life changed, his family is gone.

Thats two year ago, and Preed still not awake from his slumber. Its a good thing that hospital took responsibility so the cost for Preed staying in hospital. Actually Kiet will only be someone that keep on working in the cake shop while taking care his brother  silently who still in comatose, 

But one year ago, he started to receive an envelope with information about his mother and his brother, that at first Kiet thought a mistake or a joke. But another envelope came again for each month, and this time Kiet intrigue to find the truth.

It started with the information of their mother death, it was said not an accident, actually its on purpose. So, their mother is being murdered? For what? Another document shows DNA test, and its show that Kiet and Preed got different father. As long as Kiet remember Preed is his brother that not long her dad left and then died, Preed was born. How come Preed is not his brother?

Then, document that stated Preed real father, some rich man named James Prapa with some DNA that showed match 99,99%. So what if this James Prapa is Preed's father, Kiet still love Preed as his brother.

But theres a document about  Dee Prapa, James Prapa's wife and some picture that she was present the place of her mother accident, Preed's accident and the last one the man thats the doctor said whom attack people include Preed is James Prapa's wife driver.

Too many question flowing in Kiet's mind, but the biggest one is why Dee Prapa so cruel to his family, as they got no contact at all. Then Kiet got his answer in last night deliver document. A picture that taken a year ago, Preed meeting up with James Prapa. Smiling, hugging, and before they parted James Prapa kind of give something to Preed.

Kiet never knew about this, Pried never told him also.

So, is this why? Mother died, Preed in comatose.

Kiet request transer for Preed, he need to take him out from this hospital. Along his investigation, this hospital also belong to Prapa's family. If Kiet want to get down for the truth, he need to make sure Preed is safe.

Kiet move Preed to sanatorium in the suburb using different name paid from the full year of hospital cost that he didnt need to pay along with the insurance from his mother death.

"Stop here," Kiet said to the taxi driver.

The building across him showing the grandeur, in normal situation Kiet will notice about the building, but then again right now Kiet is in far from normal. Prapa Hotel is the name in the sign that shine brightly.

"You are mine," Kiet make promised to make Prapa paid.

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