Chapter 13

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When one want to avoid a person but its impossible because that person is the roommate, that's challenging. But sometimes luck fall on you, because Krist knew he will got time until midnight until Singto came after finished the shooting. Some kind of cinderella, but without the glass shoes.

But again, when dealing someone like Singto, he might be cant come by himself, so he will sent substitute, whom right now standing in front of. Jane.

"Are you okay?" Jane gave awkward smile.

"What do you think?" Krist retorted although he knew, its not Jane's fault. But in the war, even the messenger get slaughtered.

"Want to talk about it?"

"What to talk?" Krist lost it. "Oh my God! How... What... Why?" He can gather words to finish whatever he want to throw.

"Okay, I'm not the right person for this,"

"You think?"

"But, I'm promise him to look after you. He will explain everything, just bare with it for a couple hours, okay?"

"Well, I already bare for 4 effing years. Sure, couple hours i can wait,"

"Dont do anything stupid,"

"Like what?"

"Trash his thing?"

"Now, you give me an idea,"


"What? I wont," Jane make a gesture for Krist to make a promise, "Jane, I'm far being a kid okay? I wont throw a tantrum by ransacking his stuffs. Beside dont you notice at all that I'm using his clothes since the beginning,"

"What? How come?" Jane pointed Krist's suitcase, he just realize that suitcase never opened.

"Well, I brought the suitcase, but i forgot the key," Krist answered sheepishly. "Its not my suitcase, okay? Its my mom, mine still at Mook."

"Okay. So, if i left you alone, you will be alright?" Jane asked.

"Sure. I'm okay, I just surprise. Everything came at once in my head, juggled like crazy. Other than that, I'm okay," Krist said. "Jane, thank you for worrying me, and tell him, make no mistake and come back hurry,"

"I accept the gratitude, and I will deliver the message," said Jane as he closed the door.

The door is closed, Yui is appeared in front of Jane.

"You, its supposed you handle this kind thing," Jane walk passed Yui.

"Dont say that, its team effort," Yui gave her best smile to Jane.

"Say that again, I will throw you." Jane glared.

"So, how was it?"

"He's waiting for Singto. But, he kind of figure it,"

"Well, if he isnt, perhaps the dense disease Singto has already spread and Krist got it,"

"Anyway, do you know that Krist wore Singto's clothes,"

"So its Singto's. I wonder if he bought new clothes,"

"He said he lost the key,"

"What? Not possible, even its lost i got the spare, and Krist never told me that,"

"That little minx,"


"So, last week suddenly Singto's request more clothes, I didnt think much, so I just ask his father to send more. I thought he pack less, but its not," Jane hissed in his breath and Yui just laugh.

Jane and Yui arrive in the ballroom, the shooting still on going. Singto and Taew was talking to Baz.

"Hey Pom, what happen?"

"Suddenly Baz got insight for the scene and now he discuss with those two," Pom answered.

"So, wont be finish anytime soon then?"

"Might be, beside better to finish it all, tomorrow need to change for the wedding decoration right?" Jane nodded and gave a look to Yui who understood, pull out her phone and start to type a text.


To: Krist

Shooting prolonged. Will be finished later than scheduled.

From: Krist

Good night

"What he said?"

"Read by yourself," Yui show the text from Krist.

"Baz will face angry Krist tomorrow, as for Singto lets just pray he will survive," Jane brought his hand together to say a prayer.

"Dont say that, maybe he just being nice,"

"Since when?" Jane rolled his eyes.

"Never," Yui left a tired laugh. "I really way too old for this,"

Singto and Taew are full experienced, profesional, so they knew what to bring out for the scene, every scenes including the additional from Baz, each of its just need one take per each long shot, medium shot and close up.

"Okay, thanks for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow," Baz announced.

Singto saw Jane and Yui standing near Khlo. "Where is he?"

"In the room," Jane answered.

"He might be asleep," Yui added.

"Okay, I'm heading to the room," Singto wave. "Good night,"

Jane and Yui looked each other, Yui understood and pull out her phone and typed.


To: Krist

Still awake?

From: Krist


To: Krist

On the way

The reply for the last text take a while, specifically around 20 minutes. But its a worthed of 20 minutes that made Jane and Yui hugged each other.

From: Singto

We're okay.

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